Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Features Odd Profanity

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Features Odd Profanity


  • ESRB rating reveals surprise use of “sh*t” in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions.
  • Gameplay details include character shifting, hitting opponents with Bludgers, and victory celebrations.
  • While microtransactions disappoint some, Quidditch Champions will be budget-friendly at $29.99 and free for PS Plus members in September 2024.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I must admit that the recent revelation about Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions’ ESRB rating has left me somewhat perplexed and slightly amused. While I understand that every game needs its unique flavor, it is rather peculiar to see a family-friendly title like this one incorporating such language.

As a devoted fan of the Harry Potter series, I find it surprising to learn that the upcoming game, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, is reportedly going to include the word “shit” in its content. Given that the Harry Potter franchise is largely targeted towards children and young adults, it’s somewhat unexpected for this term to appear in a game based on such a beloved IP.

Generally speaking, the game Quidditch Champions appears to be a family-friendly choice, given its whimsical art style and kid-friendly vibe. It seems less likely to delve into the darker themes found in other Harry Potter games such as the open-world action-RPG Hogwarts Legacy. However, contrary to initial assumptions, the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has given it a T for Teen rating instead of the more family-friendly E for Everyone. Despite the game’s trailers not suggesting anything inappropriate for younger audiences, this rating may come as a surprise to some.

The ESRB classification for the game “Quidditch Champions” reveals several intriguing aspects about its gameplay. For instance, players can swap between characters and positions during matches, which adds an engaging element to the game. Interestingly, in this magical universe, Beaters are capable of knocking down opponents with a ball called a “Bludger.”

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions ESRB Rating

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Features Odd Profanity

As a die-hard Harry Potter fan and an avid gamer, I was initially thrilled about the upcoming release of Quidditch Champions. However, learning that microtransactions will play a significant role in this game leaves me feeling a bit let down.

To soften the impact of microtransactions, you might want to keep in mind that the game “Quidditch Champions” is being launched as an affordable title priced at only $29.99. On top of that, “Quidditch Champions” will be among the free PlayStation Plus Games for September 2024, meaning PlayStation gamers can enjoy it without spending extra money beyond their regular subscription fee.

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2024-08-06 18:43