How to Get Unique Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed

In the game Avowed, there’s an exceptional light armor set called “The Radiant Robes.” You can discover these remarkable robes at the Ancient Lakebed, which is located within the region of Shatterscarp.

As a skilled gamer delving into the immersive world of Avowed, I can’t help but be captivated by the allure of the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance. These enchanted garments significantly boost my character’s magical abilities, making them an invaluable asset for any aspiring spellcaster aiming to reach their peak potential. In this article, I’ll walk you through the journey required to lay your hands on these elusive robes, which are cunningly concealed within the treacherous region of Shatterscarp.

Whether you’re a battle-hardened mage or a fresh recruit to Avowed, this guide ensures that you too can claim the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance and elevate your magical prowess to unparalleled heights. Let’s embark on this exciting quest together!

Table of Contents
  • Abilities and Effects
  • How to Get
  • How to Use
  • Enchanting
  • Upgrade Materials

What are the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed?

In the game Avowed, the “Radiant Robes of Exceptional Luster” are an exclusive light chest armor piece that enhances your Essence reserve and amplifies your Area of Effect (AOE) spell potency. Notably, this item includes the “Overseeing Enchantment,” which raises your AOE damage by 15%.

To put it simply, the bonus from the Innate Talent enchantment increases your Essence by 40 points. It’s worth noting that wearing any armor in Avowed reduces both Stamina and Essence. However, the Innate Talent passive ability effectively offsets this penalty.

Robes of Surpassing Brilliance Abilities and Effects

Below are all the features, abilities, and effects of the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed:

  • Armor Type: Light Armor, Unique
  • Item Weight: 4
  • Value: 2,800
  • Quality: Exceptional
  • Location: In a chest inside a hidden small cave above the Ancient Lakebed in the region of Shatterscarp.
  • Base Stats:
    • 5% Damage Reduction
    • 38 Additional Damage Reduction
    • -20 Maximum Stamina
    • -10 Maximum Essence
  • Enchantments:
    • Overseeing: +15% area of effect damage
    • Innate Talent: +40 Maximum Essence

How to Get the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed?

To acquire the Robes of Overwhelming Luster in Avowed, search for a concealed cave situated high above the Old Lake in the third region of Shatterscarp. The Old Lake is located southeast of Eagle’s Reach, the entry point. Consequently, it should be relatively simple to locate this area once you arrive at the zone.

At the old, deserted lake, a larger expanse of water resembling a pond lies within its barren grounds. This area may contain foes for battle and deceased bodies floating in the water. Following the defeat of these adversaries, direct your gaze towards the east where a constructed region appears to have been a waterfall’s origin. From there, you’ll notice a tiny opening that can be reached. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to ascend directly, so instead, sprint above the uppermost edge.

Afterwards, you may descend into the cave situated beneath you. The darkness will be profound, yet the chest within should gleam with a golden radiance. Upon opening it, you’ll find the Radiant Robes of Unparalleled Luster.

How to Use the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed?

Using the Radiant Robes most effectively in Avowed involves putting them on a character from the Wizard class. Additionally, these robes can serve as an excellent armor option for any build that relies on casting spells, regardless of the chosen playstyle.

As a gamer, I’d say: Not only that, but to truly maximize the power of these enchantments, it’s wise to focus on area-of-effect spells. These include crowd-pleasers like Fan of Flames, Blizzard, and Meteor Shower. Each of these will receive a 15% enhancement to their area-of-effect damage. Although the robes you found in Dawnshore resemble the Arcanist’s Gambeson, the second passive offers a significant boost to your overall Essence, making them a better choice. So, it seems like switching to these robes could be a smart move.

Enchanting the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed

In the game Avowed, the magical properties of the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance cannot be enhanced or boosted. However, you can modify the main enchantments on your weapons instead. The method for enhancing your clothing items is through the use of crafting materials to raise their quality level.

Robes of Surpassing Brilliance Upgrade Materials in Avowed

In the game Avowed, here’s a rundown of the items you’ll require to bring your Radiant Robes to their peak state.

Here’s another way:
For complete enhancement of the Luminous Robes in Avowed, here is a list of materials you will need.

And one more:
To fully improve the Dazzling Robes in Avowed, this is a rundown of the necessary items.

In order to upgrade the Robes of Overwhelming Luminosity in Avowed, here’s what you’ll be needing.

Quality Materials Required
Exceptional +1 Stelgaer Leather x4
Admeth’s Wyrt x2
Exceptional +2 Stelgaer Leather x16
Admeth’s Wyrt x4
Exceptional +3 Stelgaer Leather x28
Admeth’s Wyrt x6
Superb +0 Corrupted Adra x4
Stelgaer Leather x44
Superb +1 Balarok Skin x4
Cave Coral x2
Superb +2 Balarok Skin x16
Cave Coral x4
Superb +3 Balarok Skin x28
Cave Coral x6
Legendary +0 Adra Ban x4
Balarok Skin x44
Legendary +1 Dragon Hide x4
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x2
Legendary +2 Dragon Hide x16
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x4
Legendary +3 Dragon Hide x28
Bloodwrithe Toadstool x6

FAQs about the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed

Where can I find the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance in Avowed?

In the game of Avowed, I stumbled upon the Robes of Radiant Luster tucked away in a humble cave nestled high above an ancient lakebed, deep within the rugged Shatterscarp region.

Which classes or builds benefit most from the Robes of Surpassing Brilliance?

Characters with the ability to cast Area of Effect (AOE) spells, particularly those belonging to the Wizard class, would reap the greatest benefits by donning the Radiant Robes of Exceptional Luminosity.

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2025-02-28 21:13