Michael Saylor Issues ‘Attractive’ Bitcoin Tweet Supported by Community

I, as an experienced cryptocurrency investor and observer, find Michael Saylor’s recent Bitcoin tweets engaging and innovative. His latest post, depicting a red soft drink can labeled with a “B” logo, beautifully conveys the energizing essence of Bitcoin and its increasing recognition in our community. The supportive comments from influential figures like Kraken and Eric Weiss add to the buzz surrounding this groundbreaking digital asset.

I, the founder and former CEO of MicroStrategy, posted an intriguing tweet about Bitcoin on a Wednesday, complete with an attention-grabbing image that was probably produced by artificial intelligence.

I recently posted a tweet that was different from my previous ones on a similar topic. This time, my message about Bitcoin ignited enthusiasm within the community and generated an outpouring of positive responses. Since relinquishing my CEO role, I have been spearheading my company’s Bitcoin strategy.

“Refreshing” Bitcoin tweet

I once posted a picture on Twitter of a red soft drink can that strongly resembles a Coca-Cola can, yet bears the letter “B” instead. The caption of my post, penned by MicroStrategy’s founder Saylor, reads: “Bitcoin brings a refreshing feeling.”

#Bitcoin is Refreshing.

— Michael Saylor⚡️ (@saylor) April 24, 2024

I was pleasantly surprised to see numerous Bitcoin enthusiasts reacting positively to the post in the comments section. Notable among them were the representative accounts of the Kraken digital asset exchange and Eric Weiss, a well-known influencer within the cryptocurrency sphere.

Kraken tweeted: “It’s refreshing to be able to take control of your own money. That’s for sure!”

I recently checked my Dash privacy coin’s official account comment and they mentioned, “It’s intriguing to refresh… the block explorer to ensure I have received confirmation with Bitcoin.”

Saylor’s mysterious Bitcoin halving post

I previously mentioned the significance of Bitcoin’s halving in my tweets multiple times, highlighting its importance for the Bitcoin community and potential impact on the asset’s price. This event finally transpired on April 20th.

I published a cryptic tweet two days prior, tagged with “#BitcoinHalving.” In it, I proposed a plan for investors to potentially amass vast fortunes. By acquiring 450 Bitcoins daily at the current market price over the next four years – a period spanning between two Bitcoin halvings – and holding onto them indefinitely, one could theoretically build immense wealth.

Imagining myself as an investor with limitless resources, I ponder over an intriguing possibility: I announce a plan to buy $450 million worth of Bitcoin every day at the current market price for the next four years and hold it indefinitely. In 2028, I decide to up my game and purchase $675 million worth daily. Four more years down the line, in 2032, I boost my acquisitions to an astounding $787.5 million per day. This hypothetical scenario unfolds amidst the backdrop of Bitcoin Halving events.

— Michael Saylor⚡️ (@saylor) April 18, 2024

In the year 2028, I mentioned in a tweet that a hypothetical investor would gradually increase their daily Bitcoin purchases. Initially, they’d buy 675 BTC per day, later ramping up to 787.5 BTC by 2032. This tweet underscores the belief in Bitcoin’s increasing worth following each halving, despite the newly minted coins decreasing by half after each event. Following the recent Saturday halving, miners now receive 3.125 BTC for every new block instead of the previous 6.25 BTC obtained post-2020 halving.

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2024-04-25 13:37