Monster Hunter Just Isn’t Monster Hunter Without Bazelgeuse

Did you recall that unforgettable instance when you first encountered Bazelgeuse in Monster Hunter World? Indeed, that’s a moment many gamers, especially Redditors, would consider among the greatest in video game history. For some, it might have been the most significant moment of their entire gaming life.

Bazelgeuse’s grand entrance is undeniably one of the most memorable monster introductions ever, leaving a noticeable void in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Look Out, Here Comes The Bazelgeuse

It’s unlikely you’d forget, but just in case, here’s a heads-up. You’ve embarked on a standard hunt in Monster Hunter World as a new High Rank player, aiming to boost your rank and collect as many rare purple investigation tracks as possible. As usual, you’re dismantling the parts of a familiar wyvern for experience when suddenly, without any warning, the music shifts to an ominous tune that sends chills down your spine.

The scene resembles a strange symphony of the Ride of the Valkyries and Michael Myers’ theme song playing simultaneously. Your gut tells you that something horrific is imminent. You frantically rotate the camera, scanning left, right, yet find nothing. Your brow is drenched in sweat when you finally remember to look up, but it’s already too late.

Suddenly, stones the size of watermelons are raining down from above, striking everywhere around you and your previously ignored monster adversary. You’re enveloped by a storm of these massive rocks, with more slamming into the ground each second. In a moment of shock, you question their origin: could they be eggs or waste of some monstrous creature? As they begin to explode, your thoughts race: “Oh my goodness,” you exclaim. “These can’t be ordinary stones – they’re bombs!” You frantically seek shelter, but there’s nowhere to hide. Barely escaping the bombardment, you catch a glimpse of an immense, grotesque flying monster barreling towards you.

If I Say Its Name Three Times Will Bazelgeuse Come To Wilds?

20 Monster Hunter games existed prior to the arrival of Bazelgeuse (or “Bagel”) in World, and as soon as Bagel unleashed its signature carpet bomb attack on me, all those previous games suddenly seemed irrelevant. This monster is truly exceptional not only because of its fighting style, but also due to the unique way it was introduced.

After countless hours of playing, World suddenly introduces Bagel at a crucial moment, adding an element of unpredictability and peril to High Rank. Constantly having your hunts interrupted by Bagel can indeed become frustrating, but I definitely look forward to seeing him in future Monster Hunter games.

I’m disheartened that there’s no Bagel character or similar surprise element in Monster Hunter Wilds. At this point, it’s too late for its introduction. The allure of Bagel lies in its unexpectedness – you think you’re embarking on a regular hunt, but instead, you find yourself engaged in an unanticipated battle with a monster you’ve never encountered before, executing moves you weren’t aware were possible. If Bagel were to appear in a future content update, it wouldn’t have the same impact because we would be anticipating it.

In the game Wilds, there’s no exciting climax or surprise twist, which is a significant letdown. There’s none of the unpredictable excitement that Bagel was known for in World. They nailed the monster’s design and theme song, but even without using Bagel again, these games would benefit from moments similar to Bagel.

Among numerous aspects that make World seem more developed than Wilds, the introduction of Bazelgeuse is what particularly catches my attention. Although dual-wielding weapons and the wound system are appealing features in Wilds, I can’t help but wonder if it provides anything truly memorable or iconic. Just as World benefited from Bagel, so does Wilds.

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2025-03-15 07:34