Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs

As a seasoned conqueror with decades of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that these towns are nothing short of strategic goldmines. Each one offers unique opportunities for growth and expansion, making them coveted prizes on any battle-hardened campaign map.

In “Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord,” players can embark on an epic adventure, starting as a humble peasant wielding a pitchfork and eventually ascending to the throne as the ruler of a mighty Calradian Empire. As you progress, you’ll gain control over territories, with towns being the most influential among them

In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord, players can either govern a town as a vassal for one of Calradia’s multiple factions or strive to establish their own independent kingdom. Regardless of the chosen path, it’s crucial to pick a suitable base of operations carefully. Here are some top towns that you might want to consider controlling in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

15 Amprela – Northern Empire

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Two Villages
  • Strong military for or against Khuzait.

Nestled near the outskirts of the Northern Empire, you’ll find the bustling border town of Amprela. It shares proximity with Sturgia and Khuzait territories, making it a strategic location for trade. This thriving town boasts an abundant supply of goods from three trading fiefs, a plentiful food source, and ample iron and hardwood for crafting

Although Amprela isn’t the most secure town, it often has strategic advantages since invading armies typically need to cross bridges or narrow pathways that can be effectively guarded. Additionally, a few castles surrounding Amprela serve as protective zones, occasionally sparing it from being the initial target during war

14 Dunglanys – Battania

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Central for Battanian trade

Nestled squarely within Battanian territory, Dunglanys initially boasts a moderate wealth of 4000. This strategic position, however, makes it somewhat exposed to potential attacks. On the plus side, it is graced with six trading villages in total, two of which are grain and two grape producers. These settlements ensure that Dunglanys remains well-stocked and self-sufficient

For Dunglany, food supply shouldn’t pose an issue, and with a limited strategy from both sides, laying siege becomes challenging. In summary, it’s a sound place for ownership and investment

13 Askar – Aserai

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Difficult to expand but difficult to take

Situated smack dab in the heart of the southern wasteland, Askar stands as a secluded refuge, being the most distant outpost on the map from any battlefront. This isolation makes it one of the most secure settlements, since enemy forces typically avoid attacking the city due to the vast expanse they’d have to traverse to reach it

Askar’s sole trading village limits its resources, as only half of it cultivates food. This makes the town vulnerable to depletion during a siege. Moreover, the absence of neighboring settlements poses challenges for a new kingdom trying to grow and expand

12 Rovalt – Vlandia

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Two Villages
  • Easy to defend

A common aspect of a fief players should take into account is how defensible it is. While Rovalt isn’t tucked away in the corner of the map, it is located at the beginning of a peninsula in the northwestern corner of the Vlandian kingdom.

For those who belong to the Vlandians, this fiefdom is assured as a secure stronghold. However, if you’re not among them, seizing this fief would isolate the only other one on the peninsula, making it vulnerable and easy to conquer once this location has been fortified

11 Revyl – Sturgia

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Two Villages
  • Best defensive fief in the game

Located strategically, the town of Revyl might be the most fortified site within the game. Accessible via a single route – a twisty, mountainous pass – this approach is narrower than the surroundings of Ostican

Revyl’s castle, situated close by, presents an excellent opportunity for early development, as its location ensures protection for both settlements against potential attacks. The Vlandians or Battanians might be the only ones interested in this region, and players can utilize the nearby narrow valleys to hinder enemy forces or eliminate incoming reinforcements

10 Galend – Vlandia

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Deep in Vlandian territory

On the southwestern part of the map, you’ll find the relatively secluded town of Galend. Despite its humble beginnings with an initial prosperity of 1900, it’s usually beset by bandit hideouts and looters. However, due to its strategic location, Galend has the potential to conquer much of Vlandia’s territory

Cities such as Jaculan and Sargot, situated close by, present promising expansion possibilities. The mountains flanking the region serve excellently in guiding adversaries towards strategic bottlenecks. Once the area is completely fortified, players can subsequently launch offensives into the rich and expansive territories of Pravend, which lie nearby

9 Baltakhand – Khuzait

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Surrounded by fields that take advantage of Khuzait cavalry

As a devoted admirer of this captivating world we inhabit within the game, I must admit that my humble abode commences with a rather meager prosperity level of 1800. The unfortunate geographical positioning of being nestled near Sturgia’s borders makes it all too easy for Baltakhand to become entangled in conflicts, leaving me vulnerable to potential invasions

Yet, the town’s potential lies in its connection to four nearby villages, which could significantly boost its wealth with an influx of goods. Moreover, Sturgia is relatively weak compared to other factions, while Khuzait is quite strong. As a result, Baltakhand may not be as defenseless as it might seem at first glance

8 Danustica – Southern Empire

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Central to the crossroads of the southeastern section of the map

Located at the boundary of Aserai and the Southern Empire, Danustica serves as a crucial checkpoint, safeguarding the rich agricultural lands within the empire. Due to its strategic positioning, invading forces must either bypass it entirely or traverse a narrower land route to gain access to imperial territory

Initially, Danustica’s economic status is relatively modest at 2800. However, it doesn’t lack charm because it begins the game with several buildings already built. This means that if it can be effectively protected, Danustica has the potential to rapidly improve its prosperity

7 Marunath – Battania

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Four Villages
  • Hub of the Battanian empire

Among the rare towns boasting an initial wealth of 5000 units or more, Marunath stands out as the primary commercial center in Battania. It is surrounded by four neighboring villages and offers a balanced blend of agricultural centers and manufacturing towns

The town is strategically placed, making it conveniently reachable by Vlandia and the Western Empire. This convenience unfortunately makes it a frequent target for attacks from either or both kingdoms. However, when properly defended, it can become a powerful and prosperous addition to the player’s possessions

6 Vostrum – Southern Empire

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three villages
  • Surrounded by water and choke-point bridges

The thriving and wealthy city, Vostrum, boasts an initial wealth of 5100 and is protected on all sides (north, east, and west) by other cities belonging to the Southern Empire. To its south lies a vast body of water that serves as a natural barrier

This place, your dominion, isn’t typically bustling with activity due to its peaceful nature, making it a secure investment. Its villages yield crops and fish, ensuring food supply won’t be a concern. It may not stand out among others, but as a potential ruler, it remains a reliable option

5 Ortongard – Khuzait

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Six trade-bound villages

ortongard serves as the heart of the Khuzait empire, nestled securely within its borders, providing ample distance from potential threats. This makes it one of the most secure feudal estates within the game, boasting not just safety, but also hosting six trading settlements

With that many villages constantly trading, goods and overall prosperity in this fief are set in stone. Players can focus on other governor focuses and upgrades to help the city focus on the happiness of the people, leading to the best overall fief players can get as long as they keep their enemies far away.

4 Epicrotea – Northern Empire

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Seven trade-bound villages

Located strategically between Battania, Sturgia, the Western Empire, and the Northern Empire lies Epicrotrea, a bustling trade center with an initial population of 5100

Positioned in a strategically strong locale with seven connected villages, Epicrotea stands out as an exceptionally valuable and profitable territory for the player. However, being in such a strategic spot means it’s likely to encounter frequent attacks. On the bright side, nearby castles offer excellent opportunities for swift and effortless expansion

3 Sanala – Aserai

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Four Villages
  • Five trade-bound villages

Although Sanala may not initially boast great wealth, it holds immense promise to rise as the most distinguished town within the game. Out of the four neighboring settlements, three are agricultural, ensuring that Sanala is consistently supplied with food resources. This allows for rapid expansion and an upward trajectory in prosperity

The city also sits strategically in a key trading spot amidst the Aserai desert, yet maintains enough distance from borders to minimize regular attacks and invasions. If unchecked, Sanala’s economic influence could grow rapidly, making it an attractive candidate for becoming a kingdom’s capital city

2 Ortysia – Western Empire

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three villages
  • Choke point to the Aserai to the south.

In the game, Ortysia stands out as one of the most bustling trade cities in Calradia, boasting the greatest initial wealth among all settlements. Due to its strategic location, it experiences a significant amount of caravan traffic from the Aserai and serves as a crucial juncture between the Western Empire and Vlandia. This makes it an essential pit stop for traders traveling through this region

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1 Odokh – Khuzait

Mount & Blade 2: Best Towns To Have As Fiefs
  • Three Villages
  • Difficult to reach by invaders

Although the fief doesn’t appear to be remotely located, you can only access it by venturing deeper into Khuzait lands along the riverbank, or traveling southwards through Aserai territories. Neighboring fiefs and castles provide a protective barrier, ensuring that this fief is seldom directly threatened

The open lands adjacent to this feudal estate provide an advantageous vantage point for spotting incoming armies and setting out to encounter them well before a siege takes place. Although there are merely two settlements along the trade routes that lead here, its secluded position makes it an excellent starting point for caravans, allowing for increased profits by being less exposed to competition

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2024-09-05 17:29