Polygon Co-Founder Makes Case Against Ethereum Verkle Trees

Mihailo Bjelic, one of Polygon (MATIC)’s co-founders, and Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum (ETH), seem to have differing views on whether Verkle Trees should be implemented in Ethereum. Bjelic expresses his opposition to this idea, while Buterin appears open to the discussion.

Is Verkle Tree Needed For Ethereum?

On X app, the two-person disagreement arose, indicating some doubts about Ethereum’s ideal data storage solution for peak performance.

Bjelic considered whether it was wise to transition Ethereum to Verkle Trees as a first step. He supported his view by mentioning that the Ethereum network’s zk-ification, or the process of making it more privacy-focused using zero-knowledge proofs, could occur soon.

Swiftly, Buterin replied with a comment regarding the impracticality of “making Keccak Merkle Patricia trees zero-knowledge proof (ZK) compatible with large witness sizes of around 300 MB.” He then elaborated that Verkle Trees were specifically engineered to be ZK-friendly, a feature lacking in Ethereum’s current Merkle tree implementation.

ZK-ifying keccak merkle patricia trees with worst case 300 MB witness sizes is a non-starter.

The verkle tree spec is designed to be zk friendly (eg. choice of curve, using pedersen as the hash)

So switching to verkle helps with ZKing the L1.

— vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) April 12, 2024

Normally, Merkle Patricia trees are used as the primary data structure in Ethereum’s blockchain network. However, due to their drawbacks, there are plans to switch to Verkle Trees instead. Verkle Trees offer shorter proofs and greater bandwidth.

According to Bjelic’s assessment of Polygon zkEVM’s capabilities, it is possible for it to handle the 300MB limit set by Ethereum’s co-founder. Not only that, but it might even manage to do so with a shortened block time of merely 12 seconds.

The only likely challenge is that this would require approximately 10 server-class CPUs. 

Polygon zkEVM Makes a Push To Upgrade

After an announcement earlier this year that the Bjelic protocol was transitioning into a Type 2 ZK-EVM, which is similar to Ethereum’s mainnet, this discussion from Bjelic follows regarding the Polygon zkEVM.

In simpler terms, the change would make Polygon’s zkEVM a Type 2 Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (ZK-ETHVM), enabling developers to use their existing Ethereum code directly on Polygon zk-EVM.

This update represents a significant change in how developers create applications using the smart contract platform. The Etrog Upgrade, which took effect on the mainnet in February after a 10-day delay, marks this shift.

Speculation persists about the possibility of upgrading to a Type 2 ZK-EVM on Ethereum, given that Polygon’s zkEVM experienced an unexpected outage for approximately 10 hours shortly after the Etrog Upgrade was deployed. However, it’s important to note that the problem with Polygon’s zkEVM in its mainnet beta phase has since been resolved.

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2024-04-13 18:50