Pro-Crypto RFK Jr Vows To Make US Budget Publicly Accessible On Blockchain

In an ambitious step toward promoting transparency and accountability, presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made a commitment to overhaul the United States budget process. By promising to implement a blockchain system for the country’s budget, RFK Jr aims to bring greater trust and confidence to the public. The crypto community is enthusiastically backing Kennedy, with his latest announcement only serving to bolster their faith in his candidacy.

Robert F. Kennedy Wants To Make US Budget Publicly Accessible

During his campaign, Kennedy Jr. expressed his intention to make the entire US budget transparent by implementing blockchain technology. He further highlighted the benefits of this plan, allowing every American the ability to monitor all transactions in real-time, day and night. RFK Jr. exclaimed enthusiastically, “Anytime an American wants, they can examine each budget item within the entire budget, without any time restrictions.”

This innovative project not only adds to the excitement but also strives to give people unmatched insight into how their tax dollars are being used by the government. Moreover, RFK Jr. underscored the importance of public scrutiny by expressing, “We’ll have 300 million pairs of eyes on our budget!” He stressed that this level of transparency would discourage wasteful spending and hold officials accountable for every penny spent. So, if someone spends $16,000 on a new toilet seat, everyone will be watching!

In other words, Kennedy Jr.’s plan represents a shift from conventional budgeting methods by utilizing the transparent and decentralized features of blockchain technology. This approach aligns with the goals of open governance and fiscal responsibility advocates, offering increased accountability and public involvement.

Crypto Stalwarts Like Charles Hoskinson Extend Support

Charles Hoskinson, the creator of Cardano, has publicly endorsed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the U.S. presidency. Kennedy’s pro-crypto stance has gained him the support of notable figures in the cryptocurrency industry, including Hoskinson. The founder of Cardano is openly advocating for Kennedy in the upcoming election.

According to Hoskinson, RFK Jr is his preferred choice for voters in November, which he has openly declared. Instead of settling for the “lesser of two evils,” he views RFK Jr as a welcome change from the usual political scene. Moreover, Hoskinson is resolute in backing a candidate whose beliefs align with his own, regardless of the prospect of victory.

“I hope he succeeds personally and in his campaign. I also want many people to be motivated by this. It’s important for citizens to take an active role in making a difference, no matter the election results.” Additionally, when Kennedy Jr’s family withdrew their support and endorsed Biden, Hoskinson expressed disappointment.

During that period, Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, commented disapprovingly, “Power is the currency that rules in Washington.” He was unhappy about what he perceived as attempts to undermine RFK Jr. by manipulating politics. In his view, Kennedy, though considered an underdog, had the capacity to shake up the upcoming presidential election. Moreover, Hoskinson believed that the political establishment had put forward the Kennedy family to endorse Biden publicly.

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2024-04-22 12:24