Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Biggest Crash in Bitcoin and Other Assets; Here’s All

As an experienced financial analyst, I’ve closely followed the market predictions and insights of Robert Kiyosaki for quite some time now. His perspectives on the crypto industry and his constant support have always piqued my interest. In this current scenario, where he has warned of a major market crash, I find myself both intrigued and cautious.

Robert Kiyosaki, the acclaimed writer of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and other books, is renowned for his unwavering advocacy of the cryptocurrency sector, with a particular affinity for Bitcoin. On numerous instances, he has publicly endorsed the industry while offering valuable perspectives and prognostications regarding the market.

In a recent X forum entry, an individual expressed his belief in owning Bitcoin, along with Gold and Silver, due to his mistrust towards the Federal Reserve. Robert Kiyosaki previously forecasted a significant price surge for Bitcoin, reaching up to $100,000 by June this year. However, that prediction did not materialize. More recently, he predicted the price would reach $350,000 by August 2024, but current indications point towards an even more substantial increase in value – potentially reaching millions. Nevertheless, investors should prepare themselves for a potential market downturn.

Crypto Market Drops With The Robert Kiyosaki Prediction

I analyzed Robert Kiyosaki’s recent X post from around 12 hours ago. In his post, he expressed his prediction of an imminent serious crash in the finance market. Based on the technical charts he referred to, this crash is expected to significantly impact not only Bitcoin’s price but also that of other valuable assets such as real estate, stocks, bonds, gold, and silver.

It’s intriguing to note that the cryptocurrency market has experienced a significant downturn today, leading to Bitcoin reaching a four-month low of $57,383.78 following a 5% decrease within the last 24 hours. This decline was precipitated by several recent occurrences such as outflows from Bitcoin ETFs and transfers of Bitcoin from Mt. Gox. Consequently, most cryptocurrencies are displaying losses on the crypto market dashboard. The ripple effect of this fall is evident in the global market capitalization, which currently stands at $2.12 Trillion – its lowest point in the past five months.

Robert Kiyosaki Predicts Biggest Crash in Bitcoin and Other Assets; Here’s All

Bitcoin Price To Hit $10 Million

I, as an analyst, believe Robert Kiyosaki’s prediction of an impending market crash should not be viewed as a cause for alarm, but rather as an opportunity to invest. According to his perspective, the market downturn will pave the way for a bull market by the end of 2025, leading to significant price increases in assets such as gold, silver, and Bitcoin over the subsequent years. Consequently, investors have been preparing themselves for this trend by accumulating these precious metals and cryptocurrencies in anticipation.


Based on technical analysis of charts, it appears that a historic market downturn is imminent. This could potentially result in significant price drops for real estate, stocks, bonds, gold, silver, and Bitcoin.

GREAT NEWS: Good time to buy bargains will follow.

Technical charts indicate major long term bull market cycle will…

— Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) July 3, 2024

As a researcher, I’ve come to the conclusion that Fiat money’s days are numbered based on my analysis, which I refer to as “Fake Money.” Consequently, the Gold market is poised for significant growth, potentially reaching $15,000 an ounce. Similarly, the price of Silver could climb up to $110.00 an ounce. Regarding Bitcoin, my prediction suggests a remarkable surge, with the potential for each coin to be worth $10 million. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that these predictions might seem far-fetched to some crypto investors due to concerns surrounding liquidity.

Continue Reading Ethereum ETFs vs. Bitcoin ETFs: How Their Approvals Differ

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2024-07-04 13:24