SEC to Sue Uniswap

Based on a recent Fortune report, the SEC has notified Uniswap, a prominent decentralized exchange in the US, that it intends to take regulatory action soon.

Hayden Adams, the CEO of Uniswap, has acknowledged the news circulating on X social media platform. He expressed his frustration and disappointment, but remains determined to take action.

He expressed confidence in the legality of our products and the ethical nature of our business. However, it’s become evident that instead of establishing clear guidelines, the SEC has chosen to target established players such as Uniswap and Coinbase with scrutiny.

Adams has added that decentralized finance (DeFi) is “worth fighting for.” 

Currently, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is engaged in lawsuits against several prominent figures in the crypto world. In March of this year, the SEC secured a victory against Coinbase, the leading US cryptocurrency exchange, when the court rejected Coinbase’s attempt to dismiss the lawsuit filed against them.

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2024-04-10 21:43