Star Wars Outlaws Narrative Designer, ND-5 Actor Talk Droids and Heists

Star Wars Outlaws Narrative Designer, ND-5 Actor Talk Droids and Heists

As a Star Wars fan and a connoisseur of performances, I can’t help but be captivated by the unique journey of Jay Shah, the voice behind ND-5 in the upcoming game, Star Wars: Squadrons. His challenge was indeed monumental – no facial expressions, limited vocal range, and a character with fewer words than other droids in the series. Yet, he embraced it with an enthusiasm that was as infectious as it was inspiring.

In the upcoming action-adventure game, titled “Star Wars Outlaws“, an extensive narrative unfolds across various galaxy locations, both familiar and unknown. Players will experience a thrilling heist while following the tale of rogue character Kay Vess, her creature companion Nix, veteran droid ND-5, and others. “Star Wars Outlaws” boasts a carefully crafted, intricate open world for players to delve into, introducing an entirely new cast of characters to the vast Star Wars universe for the first time.

Game Rant interviewed narrative designer Navid Khavari and actor Jay Rincon, who portrays ND-5, about the development of the upcoming game, Star Wars Outlaws. They delved into their personal affinity for Star Wars, the experience of creating an original droid character, and the key aspects required to build a captivating heist narrative. Both are eager for fans to encounter Kay, Nix, ND-5, and the rest of the team when Star Wars Outlaws debuts in late 2024. For this transcript, edits have been made for clarity and conciseness.

The Star Wars Outlaws Team Were Longtime Star Wars Fans

Star Wars Outlaws Narrative Designer, ND-5 Actor Talk Droids and Heists

As a gamer, stepping into the expansive Star Wars universe feels like having limitless creative potential at my fingertips. It’s like being given a magical paintbrush, where every stroke I make could theoretically color a vast canvas of stories yet untold. The idea that my character might one day cross paths with iconic figures or find themselves in uncharted territories is exhilarating.

Khavari expresses that he isn’t exaggerating when he says this project feels like a dream to him. He has been passionate about Star Wars since he was six years old and played with the Kenner toys. This shared connection makes working on Outlaws an exciting experience, as it connects them to a wider galaxy. When communicating with Lucasfilm or Lucasfilm Games, they remind him of connections to other aspects of the Star Wars universe that he can’t discuss yet. This sense of being part of a family and a larger fabric is what makes the experience so special.

Rincon: It’s always present; even if you’re on the fringe, it’s still part of your surroundings. And you’re included in this grand narrative. That’s one of its appeals. From day one to now, whenever you arrive at work, you’re constantly reminded that we’re part of a universe. It’s amazing! But does this make it pressuring? I don’t believe so. Instead, it fuels excitement. And every day, it amplifies the ordinary tasks through motivation.

Q: As for thoughts like, “I could see this at Disneyland.” Do those thoughts cross your mind?

Rincon: Personally, it’s not exactly the same, but an idea that comes to mind is from my childhood, when I owned Star Wars underwear, toys, dolls, and so on. A significant achievement for me would be strolling around one day and spot a child playing with an ND-5 action figure, knowing that I played a crucial role in creating that character. I can’t even imagine how I’ll feel when I witness that moment.

As a fanatic, the realization that we’re almost there is yet to fully sink in, but it feels surreal and incredible just the same. Attending events, witnessing content creators and media playing our game, it all makes it undeniably real. Plus, seeing cosplayers and fans building ND-5, watching a community grow around this game – these are rewards beyond measure. I can scarcely imagine what else could top this feeling.

Rincon: I truly hope that’s the case. Our aim is to spread happiness, to amuse – in a series that has excelled at doing just that more than any other in entertainment. Naturally, we aspire to make our mark and for it to persist with impact.

Director And Performer Collaboration In Telling Heist Stories

Star Wars Outlaws Narrative Designer, ND-5 Actor Talk Droids and Heists

A: Could you provide some insights into the collaboration between the Narrative Director and the performer? Specifically, I’m interested in understanding how you both cooperate to create a character and breathe life into someone who isn’t widely known yet. How do you go about introducing this character to the audience? What is your process like?

Khavari: Essentially in the beginning, our goal was to explore the period that falls between “Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi.” We had a clear idea of the tone from those films as a foundation. But we wanted to add something fresh. So, yes, we focused on what could be called a “scoundrel fantasy,” which is an existing archetype that we decided to develop further. I believe it was at this point that we identified these characters as neither Jedi, nor Sith, nor rebels.

Them not being rebels was a big one – these are people on the ground that aren’t connected to some wider battle. And so then, almost very organically, Kay emerged with Nix. This thief, this loner, this person that goes it alone, that actually maybe is a little bit cynical about all those bigger, wider contexts. And then you look at ND-5, as well. Okay, you know, there are so many fantastic droids out there. But what happens to the droids from the Clone Wars after the Clone Wars end? Like, we know generally, but what happens if one of them ends up in the underworld? And then what happens if they’re carrying that kind of baggage?

After that, the main focus shifted towards “How can we develop characters that resonate with audiences? How can we make them relatable?” This aspect seemed crucial throughout the whole process. For many months, discussions revolved around different character choices. The character design team collaborated with the visual department, and unique designs like jackets on droids started to take shape. However, it wasn’t until we began casting and brought in talented performers like Jay that the characters truly came to life. I often say, “A script isn’t complete until the actors are speaking its words.” We even had to go back and adjust certain elements based on Humberly [Gonzalez]’s emotional portrayal of Kay and Jay’s work in making ND-5 feel real by expressing its battle-worn emotions. Handing over the characters to these skilled performers was a unique and significant part of the creative journey.

Rincon: To start, delving into ND-5’s entire background and the creative process that led us here was fascinating. Navid served as our guide for all of that knowledge. We’d have daily conversations before we even began working, discussing not just the energy but also the tone, how we could fit seamlessly into this expansive Star Wars galaxy, and where our individual roles were. As for droids, we’re all familiar with their distinctive melodies, sounds, and witty humor. Yet, we wanted to find a way to stand out while still staying true to the Star Wars universe. This adventure belongs to us.

In this creative process, you explore the boundaries of making the narrative more relatable to humans – how much humanity can be infused without crossing the line? What is the optimal level of emotion, neither too little nor too excessive? For a robot, under-emotion might be problematic, and over-emotion could certainly be. We discuss these aspects, and Navid assists in navigating this journey, allowing for collaboration and development. Therefore, constant communication is crucial.

A: Creating a heist tale involves intricately balancing elements of surprise and expectation. There are numerous strategies to employ. At times, you believe you have the plot figured out, only to find that isn’t the case. Could you elaborate on your experience in crafting a heist narrative?

As a fan, I couldn’t help but feel an immense amount of enjoyment while watching this masterpiece. It was simply a delight from start to finish, filled with moments that sparked joy at every turn. Unlike some games I’ve encountered in the past, which often revolve around a single hero or character’s journey, this production offers a diverse ensemble cast. This, I believe, is the essence of a heist film – each character plays a unique role in the grand scheme, and their interactions create a dynamic that is truly captivating. The joy comes from crafting these classic heist characters and watching them unfold.

In addition to following their evolution throughout the operation, I believe this development is equally significant. Similar to movies like “Ocean’s Eleven” or certain “Star Wars” stories, characters need to evolve and transform during these events. For instance, Kay transitions from a thief to exploring her gunslinger/bank robber persona, while ND-5, who often serves as a guiding voice, also takes on a more physical role in the heist. Furthermore, we’re building a diverse crew that Kay will travel across the galaxy to assemble. The excitement lies in discovering changes within these characters – but it’s equally important to ensure that the heist is successful and rewarding. Therefore, we invest a great deal of effort not only in gathering this team, but also in making sure that when it’s time for action, it’s time to act.

The Creation Of ND-5

Star Wars Outlaws Narrative Designer, ND-5 Actor Talk Droids and Heists

A: I’m curious about the procedure for creating sentient robots. How can I infuse them with an acting ability while still maintaining their robotic nature?

In the initial stages, when you’re merely auditioning, it’s unclear what exactly you’re trying out for. This leads to multiple rounds. By the time you arrive on the first day to perform and discover that you’re a droid in this galaxy, there are already numerous assumptions and expectations due to familiarity with characters like C-3PO and their distinctive sounds. I’ve always admired R2-D2’s performance; in my view, it remains the best among them all.

In essence, I’m aiming to add my unique touch or interpretation to it. However, when it comes to motion capture (mocap), unlike human actors, I don’t have cameras recording my movements because I’m a droid. This means I can’t use facial expressions, which are crucial for acting, leaving me with just voice as a tool. Additionally, our droid has fewer words and isn’t as melodious as other droids in the series, further limiting the tools at my disposal. Consequently, we focus on communicating as effectively as possible through speech.

One captivating aspect of the task was its authenticity requirement – everything had to stem from an honest, genuine place. Your primary instrument in this endeavor was the bond between performers or Trailblazer participants. The narrative had to be real and heartfelt, with no reliance on gimmicks, catchphrases, or personal themes. However, as you progressed, you could sense it growing within you – it became a part of your being, transforming you day by day. Honestly, the experience was a sheer delight. I eagerly looked forward to each day as ND-5 and being a part of this project. I truly hope to continue my involvement, and I can’t wait to see it unfold on screen.

In truth, Jay downplays his abilities somewhat. When he performs on stage, it’s truly captivating to observe his transformation. He’s quite charismatic and laid-back offstage, but once he steps onto the stage, it’s a different story. I recall him even suggesting physical adjustments like a hunch for his character, and then experimenting with his walk and stance, which was already a narrative in itself.

Rincon: The unusual outfit worn by ND-5 is something you simply must witness. Initially, we found it quite surprising when we first saw it, but now we can’t help but laugh about it. On our first day, as we were examining everything and figuring out the physical movements of a droid, we pondered how a droid would move in real-time. But as time went on, this droid has seen a lot and lived for a long time. It’s not just a memory bank; it’s a physical presence that’s always with you. Wearing that outfit shapes and guides your performance instantly. There was plenty of room for creativity, thanks to Navid – thank you!

Khavari: It was a team effort.

Q: What are you most excited to see people experience, or do, or respond to, in the game?

Hey there! Let me tell you something, as a gamer immersed in this game, it’s incredible. With so much to explore and play, one aspect that truly stands out for me is the connection with the characters. Our team has worked tirelessly to ensure they feel relatable, not distant or unreachable. They’re part of our world, and I believe that aligns perfectly with our vision for an open-world action-adventure story. It’s all about stepping into the Star Wars universe and living the experience. I think it’s awesome!

Rincon expresses that they eagerly anticipate audiences connecting with their characters, such as ND-5, just as deeply as they have. They’ve invested a great deal of time into this project, making it feel like an integral part of themselves. Consequently, they hope that the creation becomes a cherished piece for you as well. They are excited to witness the reactions when that happens.


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2024-08-01 14:54