The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

As a seasoned gamer and tech enthusiast who’s seen more than a few gaming projects come and go, I must say that the costs associated with these games truly boggles my mind.

In the late eighties and early nineties, the expenses associated with creating video games were relatively low compared to current costs. As home consoles and top-tier gaming systems have grown more powerful over time, so has the expense of game development. Today, most popular titles cost publishers and developers tens of millions of dollars to create, while some can be much more expensive.

Over the past ten years, I’ve noticed an impressive surge in game development budgets soaring above $50 million, not even counting marketing and promotions. These big-ticket titles often make a profit, but the numbers behind them are astounding and give a clear picture of just how massive and cutthroat the gaming industry can be.

The following list will focus on development costs only.

15 Final Fantasy 7

Development Cost: $40m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

Making the transition to a three-dimensional gaming world inevitably meant higher development expenses, and it’s safe to say that not many anticipated just how substantial an impact it would have. The pioneering title from Square to venture into this new dimension was “Final Fantasy 7”, which is said to have cost approximately $40 million for its development, followed by another estimated $40 million for its western marketing efforts.

The bold marketing tactics employed by Square undeniably proved fruitful as Final Fantasy 7 became the initial Japanese Role-Playing Game (JRPG) to gain widespread popularity beyond Japan. Often hailed as one of the finest entries in the Final Fantasy series, its influence on both the franchise and the genre remains palpable even today. Despite being among the costliest games ever produced, it also ranks among the most profitable.

14 Dead Space 2

Development Cost: $60m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

As a dedicated gamer, I can attest that Dead Space 2 stands out among the original trilogy as its crowning achievement. It masterfully expands upon the elements that made the first game so captivating, creating an immersive environment meant to instill a sense of solitude, only to use that very feeling to startle and frighten players mercilessly. While these enhancements were undoubtedly worth it for us gamers, I should mention that the developers had quite the bill to pay, with Dead Space 2 costing an impressive $60 million to produce.

Many might contend that investing such a substantial amount in Dead Space 2 was a smart move, given it’s the top-rated Dead Space title on Metacritic, surpassing both its original 2008 version and the 2023 remake. Regrettably, despite receiving high acclaim and selling numerous copies, Dead Space 2 did not yield a profit; this underscores the risks associated with investing tens of millions in the development of a single game.

13 Watch Dogs

Development Cost: $68m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

As a devoted gamer, I must admit that Watch Dogs initially piqued my interest due to its enticing premise. However, it fell short of reaching the same epic heights as some of its contemporaries. It’s quite puzzling, really, as the team’s delivery and execution of their ideas were generally spot-on, resulting in a visually stunning game that lived up to its promises. Given the reported development budget of around $70 million, one might expect such a polished outcome.

The video game Watch Dogs garnered mostly positive feedback, with ratings typically ranging from 75 to 80. While this isn’t terrible, given its status as one of the costliest games ever produced, it didn’t manage to achieve a score of 90 or higher, which might have displeased some executives at Ubisoft. Fortunately, the game outperformed expectations in sales, surpassing several records set by Ubisoft and reaching over eight million units sold within a few months.

12 Shenmue

Development Cost: $70m / $47m

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

For quite some time, the game Shenmue held the Guinness World Record for the most expensive video game ever produced. It is said that Sega spent an astounding $70 million on its creation, which remains a significant amount even in today’s context. Given that development on Shenmue commenced on the Sega Saturn several years before its release and it incorporated advanced technology, it’s not entirely shocking to hear such a substantial cost mentioned.

Despite Sega claiming that it cost $70 million to create Shenmue, its creator Yu Suzuki has hinted at a different figure during the Game Developers Conference in 2011. He revealed that the true cost was around $47 million, with some of these funds being allocated for marketing and development of the game’s sequel from 2001. Regardless, this is still an enormous sum, especially when accounting for inflation.

11 Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Development Cost: $75m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

As a gamer, I can’t help but feel the weight of my wallet when I hear about the cost of the latest addition to the Tomb Raider reboot series, Shadow of the Tomb Raider. In a chat with, David Anfossi, the man in charge at Eidos Montreal, spilled the beans on the game’s production budget, which clocked in between 75 and 100 million dollars. To top it off, an extra $35 million was splurged on marketing and promotion. Now that’s one pricey adventure for Lara!

I’m overjoyed to say that my game has been flying off shelves! In just three months on the market, it managed to sell over four million copies – that’s quite a haul! Critics seem to appreciate it too, even though Metacritic scores aren’t as high as those of the games before it. Still, with numbers like that, it’s safe to assume that both Square Enix, my publisher, and I are sitting pretty on some serious profits.

10 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Development Cost: $80m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

It seems more and more likely that Hideo Kojima’s “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” could be his last game in the Metal Gear series, given that he left Konami in 2015. While the specific reasons behind their sudden separation may never be fully understood, the budget for his final project with the company is becoming a bit clearer.

Based on Eurogamer’s report, a Japanese financial newspaper disclosed that around $80 million had been invested in the game’s development by April 2015. Given that the game wasn’t launched until September of the same year, it’s reasonable to assume that the total expenditure was likely to have exceeded $100 million, considering additional post-release content and updates were factored in.

9 Defiance

Development Cost: $80m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

In 2013, the multiplayer online third-person shooter game titled “Defiance” debuted on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms. Despite mixed reviews from critics, it managed to build a substantial player community that stayed loyal for an impressive eight years. The game’s servers were eventually closed down in early 2021. Its longevity can be partly attributed to its substantial budget, although the exact cost of its development remains somewhat debatable.

Just prior to its launch, Forbes published a report estimating that approximately $100 million was spent on the project as a whole, with this figure including costs for a science fiction TV series bearing the same name. The report approximates that around $80 million was allocated for the game development, but considering an upgraded version of the title was later launched for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the actual cost could be significantly more.

8 Battlefield 4

Development Cost: $100m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

It’s no secret that EA’s Battlefield series, often hailed as one of the top-tier FPS franchises, doesn’t come with a small price tag. In fact, the development cost for its fourth installment, Battlefield 4, was reportedly an impressive $100 million by Richard Hilleman, formerly the company’s Chief Creative Officer. This makes Battlefield 4 the most expensive title in the series to produce so far.

As a long-time gamer with a keen interest in both Battlefield and Call of Duty series, I have been following the sales performance of these games closely over the years. The latest installment of Battlefield, which I have fond memories of playing since its launch, did exceptionally well with critics and managed to sell over seven million copies. This was a significant achievement for me personally, as it validated my belief in the game’s quality.

7 Max Payne 3

Development Cost: $105m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

Rockstar Games isn’t recognized for being half-hearted or sticking to the status quo; instead, they tackle projects on a grand scale, as demonstrated by their usual endeavors. While Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead are perhaps the most renowned instances of this, there are numerous other impressive games that adorn Rockstar’s expansive collection. One such game is Max Payne 3.

As a hardcore gamer, I can’t help but reminisce about my favorite cop’s swan song – his third and final adventure. This grand finale didn’t come cheap; rumor has it, the game cost a whopping $105 million to produce. But fear not, because within its first year, it flew off the digital shelves, selling over four million copies! At least, that much should cover the development costs. Yet, what truly matters is that this game served as a fitting farewell for Max, while delivering an engaging gaming experience all along.

6 Grand Theft Auto V

Development Cost: $137m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

As a devoted fan, I can’t deny that the massive investment of $137 million into Grand Theft Auto 5 by Rockstar Games was undeniably worth it. Since its release in 2013, over 140 million copies have been sold, and with the upcoming PS5 and Xbox Series versions slated for late 2021, this figure will surely rise. This incredible success translates to a staggering profit of approximately $6 billion and counting, making it clear that their investment was money well spent indeed.

It’s important to mention that the initial production cost of the game was $137 million, but with additional content like DLC, GTA Online, and multiple next-gen port adaptations over the past eight years, it’s likely that this figure has significantly increased beyond its original value. Furthermore, it is speculated that the initial marketing budget for the game was also approximately $137 million. Therefore, considering all expenses, it wouldn’t be shocking to discover that Rockstar has invested more than $300 million in the game in total.

5 Destiny

Development Cost: $140m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

As a dedicated gamer, I can’t help but express my admiration for the epic journey that “Destiny” and its 2017 sequel have taken us on. These games have not only swept numerous awards off their shelves but have also managed to captivate a substantial and passionate community of fans. But let me tell you, this triumph hasn’t come without a price tag. The initial publishing agreement between Bungie and Activision hints at the first game costing an impressive $140 million just to bring it to life. And that might only be the tip of the iceberg.

Compared to its predecessor, Destiny 2 is significantly larger and superior in nearly every aspect that can be quantified. It has been the primary focus of the developers for a longer period and has received more expansions than the original game – with two more, Lightfall and The Final Shape, set to release in 2023 and 2024 respectively. Given these facts, it’s reasonable to assume that a greater amount of resources have been invested in the development of Destiny 2. The ongoing support for the game, more than five years after its launch, implies that this investment has been worthwhile.

4 Red Dead Redemption 2

Development Cost: $170m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

Although Red Dead Redemption 2 didn’t match the sales numbers of GTA 5, it offers an equally detailed experience across its expansive open world. This level of detail came at a significant price, though. Estimates suggest that the game itself cost the developer between $170 and $240 million to produce, with additional marketing costs reaching up to $300 million. In total, the final cost of the game might have surpassed half a billion dollars.

Given that the game raked in an astounding $725 million within its first two days on sale, it’s clear that Rockstar has once again managed to reap substantial profits from this project. Similar to GTA Online, the online aspects of this new game likely added to the production costs since its initial launch, so the exact amount spent or earned in total is somewhat unclear.

3 Cyberpunk 2077

Development Cost: $174m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

Following eight years of production and numerous setbacks, CD Projekt Red had high expectations for the release of Cyberpunk 2077. Despite decent sales, the game’s buggy performance and numerous glitches sparked severe criticism from players, which resulted in a significant drop in the company’s value by billions of dollars over the subsequent weeks. In contrast, the $316 million invested in its creation and promotion appears insignificant in comparison.

Based on their financial statements, approximately $174 million was invested in developing the game, making it one of the costliest games produced at the time of writing. Remarkably, despite this significant expense, the company still saw a substantial profit from this investment. However, the stock price is currently less than half of its pre-release value and does not seem likely to recover soon.

2 Star Wars: The Old Republic

Development Cost: $200m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

Even after more than nine years since its release, Star Wars: The Old Republic still gets frequent updates. Given the substantial investment in its creation, this isn’t unexpected. It is said that the game had a development budget of around $200 million, making it one of Electronic Arts’ costliest and most ambitious ventures ever.

The ambition has indeed proven successful, as the game is estimated to have earned over a billion dollars in revenue since it began operation in late 2011. This substantial income would certainly cover the game’s considerable development costs, and with tens of thousands of players still engaged in the MMO, there’s no predicting how much more profit it could amass before its servers eventually close down.

1 Star Citizen

Development Cost: $715m+

The Most Expensive Games Ever Made & How Much It Cost To Make Them

After a series of highly profitable crowdfunding rounds, video game developer Cloud Imperium Games garnered over $300 million to fund the creation of Star Citizen. Subsequently, additional funds were acquired through private investments, resulting in an exponential growth in both the size and ambition of the project. This development is certainly advantageous for supporters and potential players, but it has also introduced a fresh challenge.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve been eagerly awaiting the release of Star Citizen since its initial development back in 2011. Despite the passing years, it seems we’re still waiting for that coveted commercial launch. With reports suggesting over half a billion dollars poured into its creation so far, and more to come as work continues, there’s a substantial expectation resting on this game’s shoulders. To put it mildly, the success of Star Citizen is not just significant; it’s monumental.

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2024-08-07 07:00