The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location

The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location

Key Takeaways

  • The Witcher 3 incorporates several interesting side quests in every major location in the game.
  • The game’s optional quests are not typical fetch quests, but rather in-depth and fulfilling experiences.
  • Certain optional quests have significant consequences and impact the game’s overall story, making them must-play experiences.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours poured into The Witcher 3, I must say that these side quests truly embody the spirit of the game and offer moments of pure joy that are often overlooked.

For quite some time now, “The Witcher 3” has been a well-loved video game, but its popularity surged again following Netflix’s television adaptation. Longtime enthusiasts are rekindling their affection for the game, while those looking for more between seasons are encountering “The Witcher 3” for the first time.

As a devoted fan, I’ve had the pleasure of diving back into the captivating world crafted by CD Projekt Red with The Witcher 3, whether it was my first or fifth venture. However, let me tell you, this game is massive! The growing list of optional quests for Geralt can sometimes leave me feeling a bit lightheaded. But fear not, for those who delve deeply into each region will quickly stumble upon some of the most engaging side quests that The Witcher 3 has to offer.

On Death’s Bed

White Orchard

The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Herbalist’s hut
  • Quest Giver: Tomira

In White Orchard, there dwells a fearsome beast known as a griffin, causing havoc and fear among its inhabitants. Among them is an unfortunate young girl seeking refuge in the herbalist’s hut. Though talented in healing arts, Tomira finds herself unable to mend the grievous wounds inflicted on this woman. At this juncture, Geralt may offer assistance by concocting a Swallow potion, despite the fact that such a witcher brew could potentially have severe side effects for those who haven’t experienced the transformations brought about by the Trial of the Grasses.

As a gamer, if I decide to take the path of using a Swallow potion on the girl to heal her, I’ll find out later that she regained her physical health but lost her mental faculties due to the potion. It’s heart-wrenching to realize that perhaps letting her die might have been more merciful, highlighting how the most impactful quests in The Witcher 3 often leave us questioning if there’s ever a truly right choice for any given situation.

Missing In Action

White Orchard

The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Battlefield
  • Quest Giver: Dune Vildenvert, Bastien Vildenvert

War is a horrifying thing that tears families apart, and this can be seen firsthand when a man requests Geralt to help find his brother who was lost during a conflict that happened close by. Wading through the sea of bodies is a sobering moment that shows just how bloody the conflict between the Nilfgaardians and Temerians is. After fending off some ghouls, players enter a dilapidated shack where they find the aforementioned brother with some unexpected company.

It seems the absent brother was hiding with a Nilfgaardian deserter who provided assistance during his difficult period. Now, Geralt must decide whether to order the opposing soldier away or persuade the brothers to shelter the Nilfgaardian. This choice isn’t an easy one, and it makes this side quest in The Witcher 3 one of the most impactful, offering a compelling introduction to the strife ripping through the Northern Realms.

Precious Cargo

White Orchard

The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Northwest side of White Orchard
  • Quest Giver: John Geermer

In the captivating world of “The Witcher 3“, deception and chances for mischief abound, and an instance of this unfolds when a so-called merchant asks Geralt for help in retrieving his wagon, supposedly stolen by monsters. From the moment players arrive at the crime scene, Geralt’s witcher instincts suggest that there’s more to this tale than initially presented. The arrows embedded in the wagon hint strongly that no monsters were involved in this incident. Instead, it becomes evident as the story unfolds that humans, in a cowardly act, assaulted the cart and fled once it veered into the swamp, where they were then overrun by drowners.

In the Witcher 3 game, during one side quest, Geralt encounters a situation where he must decide between collecting his reward or exposing a discrepancy, leading to a horseback chase ending in a fight. Eventually, the ‘merchant’ is unmasked as a Temerian guerrilla aiming to plunder Nilfgaardian supplies. After learning this, Geralt has three options: provide the soldier with what he needs, keep it for himself, or hand him over to the Nilfgaardian guards. This seemingly straightforward task is exceptionally well-written and makes this one of the standout early side quests in the Witcher 3.

Ghosts Of The Past


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Reardon Manor
  • Quest Giver: Letho of Gulet

Few video games execute side-quests effectively, often employing them as a means to boost player experience (XP) rapidly through minor tasks like fetch quests. While they do serve this purpose in games such as The Witcher 3, the complexity of these side quests sets them apart from typical fetch missions. The creators achieved this depth by focusing on lesser Witcher characters with whom Geralt has a past, and this approach is evident in “Ghosts of the Past.” For those unfamiliar with the broader history of The Witcher 2, this quest may not hold significant meaning, but for those who are acquainted with Letho of Gulet, it offers a satisfying experience.

In “Ghosts of the Past,” players have an opportunity for Geralt to rekindle an old, complex relationship, handle conflicts elegantly, possibly gain a new ally down the line, and experience a satisfying conclusion to the quest. For this quest to take place, Letho must still be alive; therefore, informing the Nilfgaard court that Geralt spared him at the game’s onset is crucial. It’s beneficial for players to exhibit mercy in this instance as it sets the stage for an engaging storyline.

The Fall Of The House Reardon


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Reardon Manor
  • Quest Giver: Dolores Reardon

Among all additional missions available, this particular one boasts an engaging background story. In the quaint town of Lindenvale, Geralt encounters an elderly resident named Dolores who enlists his help to eliminate the monsters lurking within her ancestral manor. Though Geralt may not reconnect with his old companion Letho during this journey, there are still plenty of intriguing secrets to uncover. After vanquishing the ghostly beings haunting the property, Geralt can claim the treasure that Dolores had promised him as a reward – a collection of one hundred crowns, a substantial sum, particularly in the initial stages of the game, covering regions such as Velen.

What might be overlooked by many gameplayers is the conclusion regarding Dolores’ brother, who forced her departure from the manor following her marriage. If Geralt delves deeper outside the manor, he may stumble upon a concealed entrance that ultimately reveals the deceased body of the brother. This discovery sheds light on his gruesome demise, adding a more ominous tone to the quest. It’s unfortunate that so many players don’t uncover this twist during their initial playthrough.

A Towerful Of Mice


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Fyke Isle
  • Quest Giver: Keira Metz

A Tower Full of Mice: The Enigma of Keira Metz

Upon Keira’s request, Geralt journeys to a tower, where he discovers the grim aftermath of a peasant uprising. The local lord and his kin had sought refuge within this mage’s dwelling, but the angry mob pursued them and mercilessly slaughtered the entire family. Tragically, the lord’s daughter is still tormented by ghostly presence in the tower, having endured a particularly gruesome fate compared to her kin. She waits anxiously for her lover, a commoner who was present during the uprising. Ultimately, it falls upon Geralt to untangle the chilling sequence of events that unfolded within this haunted tower.

Return To Crookback Bog


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Crookback Bog
  • Quest Giver: The Bloody Baron

Exploring Crookback Bog” can at times seem like more than a mere side mission, as it represents the climax of all Geralt’s endeavors in Velen. Despite his primary goal being to gather clues about Ciri, his investigations will uncover much more. The Baron’s questline lingers in players’ minds even after its conclusion.

To completely resolve this tale, players must guide Geralt back into the depths of Crookback Bog one final time, where he’ll confront the Crones. Depending on Geralt’s decisions, either the Baron’s wife will be rescued or her remains recovered. This side quest carries significant implications for the game as a whole, impacting the universe of The Witcher 3 beyond just Geralt’s hunt for his daughter, Ciri. In essence, this weighty side quest is one that players should not overlook.

In The Eternal Fire’s Shadow


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Devil’s Pit
  • Quest Giver: A young deacon of the Church of the Eternal Fire

As a gamer, diving into the Next-Gen edition of The Witcher 3, I must admit, the graphics upgrade was a treat to my eyes. But what truly got me hooked was the arrival of fresh questlines, like “In the Eternal Fire’s Shadow.” This adventure brilliantly explored the hitherto underdeveloped locale of Devil’s Pit, an area that players, including myself, had been yearning for more content since the game first launched. The developers finally gave us a reason to delve deeper into this overlooked part of the world, making my gaming experience richer and more immersive.

The eerie depths of the Devil’s Pit live up to their ominous title, and only those as courageous as Geralt would dare linger upon seeing it. Reminiscent of some of the most engaging side quests in the game, this one too hides layers of complexity beneath its initial appearance. Unraveling its intricacies and uncovering its hidden secrets makes delving into it all the more rewarding.

A Matter Of Life And Death


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: All over Novigrad
  • Quest Giver: Triss Merigold

In this new side mission, the stakes seem as high as those in the main quest, perhaps because it revolves around the safety of Geralt’s dear friend and confidante, Triss Merigold – who is more than just a friend to him. This quest offers players the chance to aid Triss in gaining her freedom, not only for herself but also for the numerous mages living underground that she protects. Moreover, it presents an opportunity for players to pursue a romantic relationship with Triss if they wish. While Geralt can engage with several female characters within the game, his relationships with Triss and Yennefer of Vengerberg are the only two significant romances.

In this mission titled “A Matter of Life and Death,” players get a glimpse into Geralt’s romantic entanglement with Triss. This quest offers players a choice to pursue their own romantic path with her or let the relationship unfold in other ways. Moreover, it provides an engaging setup filled with excitement, including a masquerade ball, secretive activities, dancing, drinking, intense card games, and much more, making it an enjoyable experience for all players.

High Stakes


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Passiflora
  • Quest Giver: The scribe in the Passiflora

Players who prioritize sticking to the game’s storyline and aren’t fond of playing Gwent might unknowingly pass up on one of the most lucrative quests in the entire game. If Geralt manages to compile a good deck for Gwent and has amassed enough money (1,000 crowns is required as an entry fee) to participate in the tournament, he stands to win a grand total of 4,500 crowns.

Additionally, he’ll delve into an intriguing murder case and may even develop a fleeting romance with the alluring spy named Sasha. In summary, this adventure offers excitement, romance, and action, further emphasizing the exceptional caliber of the game. Fortunately, pursuing a relationship with Sasha won’t hamper his existing romances with Triss or Yennefer, allowing Geralt to make his own decisions without any restrictions.

Carnal Sins


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: All over Novigrad
  • Quest Giver: Dandelion

Have you ever found yourself contemplating how well Geralt, with his Witcher abilities, would fit as a CSI detective? Apparently, CD Projekt Red shares this thought because this engaging side mission allows Geralt to apply his Witcher skills in an alternate manner. Instead of merely hunting monsters, he’s now on the hunt for a serial killer. It’s not hard to understand why this quest is so enjoyable: it’s filled with mystery and suspense similar to crime dramas on TV when detectives are chasing after a murderer and trying to uncover their motives and methods. And, by the end of the mission, Geralt’s target turns out to be someone that players will not anticipate.

In the game, “Carnal Sins” doesn’t come up until later, following Geralt’s assistance in transforming Dandelion’s seedy brothel into The Chameleon. After this, Dandelion informs Geralt that Priscilla, a trobairitz and his love interest, has been assaulted by an enigmatic attacker. This assailant might be connected to a series of killings happening across Novigrad.

Reason Of State


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: All over Novigrad
  • Quest Giver: Dijkstra, Roche, and Thaler

In the midst of all the political chaos in The Witcher 3 as Geralt searches for Ciri, it feels almost unavoidable that he would eventually find himself involved in a coup d’etat, doesn’t it? Towards the end of the game, following his return from the Isle of Mists, Geralt will be asked by Vernon Roche, Djikstra, and Thaler (provided he has assisted them earlier in the game) to bring an end to King Radovid’s rule in Redania. Given that Radovid is evidently mad, it’s hard not to support this endeavor.

Instead, it offers unique surprises, such as a clandestine struggle in Novigrad’s back alleys under the cover of night and a dose of retribution against Radovid orchestrated by a vengeful sorceress. Essentially, “Reason of State” and the preceding quests infuse The Witcher 3 with an engaging element of political intrigue, in addition to the diverse range of genres embedded within the game through its numerous side missions.

A Dangerous Game


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: All over Novigrad
  • Quest Giver: Zoltan

Without doubt, skipping this specific mission in The Witcher 3 might feel less exhilarating compared to other side quests. However, for those passionate about playing Gwent, much like Geralt, it’d be a pity to overlook it. The reason being, you stand the chance of acquiring several of the game’s most elusive Gwent cards, which would complete your entire deck.

Additionally, during this adventure, Geralt has an opportunity to catch up with his longtime companion Zoltan and enjoy some camaraderie – a rarity for him. In summary, this quest offers a glimpse into the grittier aspects of Novigrad, yet it is tempered with enough humor to create a well-rounded tale that’s worth exploring.

A Midnight Clear


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Miller’s Lake
  • Quest Giver: Shani

The video game DLC titled “Hearts of Stone” was widely acclaimed as one of the best expansions ever produced. It’s astonishing to think that the subsequent expansion pack surpassed this high standard in some way. In Geralt’s significant sidestep, he reconnects with a character who players of the initial game would recognize well.

In the game “A Midnight Clear,” Shani is a character who serves as both a doctor and a potential romantic interest. This storyline unfolds when the player makes strategic decisions, starting immediately after exorcising the ghost possessing Geralt’s body. The plot reaches its climax with an emotional scene, but things can take a turn for the worse if the player gifts Shani alcohol.

Avid Collector


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Borsody Auction House
  • Quest Giver: Yaromir Ivanovitz Zaytsev

In the primary mission of the game, Geralt waits outside an auction house at Yaromir’s request to secure a prized painting titled “Starry Night over the Pontar” for him. This side quest provides players with an engaging opportunity to explore and interact with the auction house.

In The Witcher 3, characters can engage in dialogue with Vivaldi and discuss the worth of a painting, which could spark a bidding competition and increase the artwork’s price for Geralt slightly. This subtle alteration underscores the game’s emphasis on impactful dialogue options within its narrative.

The Cave Of Dreams


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Cave of Dreams
  • Quest Giver: Blueboy Lugos

Are you prepared for a bit of psychology mixed with an adventure? A side quest can be initiated by checking the notice board in Arnbjorn, specifically starting “The Phantom of Eldberg” quest, which then triggers this one. In the process of assisting Madman Lugo’s son, Geralt delves into the enigmatic Cave of Dreams, a place that leaves its visitors disoriented and confronted with terrifying hallucinations. The culmination of the quest occurs when Geralt must confront his deepest fears within the cave itself.

With all that Geralt has experienced throughout his lengthy Witcher career, one can speculate about what his most terrifying nightmare might manifest as. Exploring Geralt’s mind is an excellent reason to check out the “Cave of Dreams” quest once it becomes accessible. Additionally, while “The Phantom of Eldberg” may not be on this list, it’s a worthwhile adventure in its own right.

The Path Of Warriors


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Yngvar’s Fang
  • Quest Giver: Gunnar

Geralt frequently exhibits strength that surpasses many individuals he encounters, yet it seems worthwhile to demonstrate his courage and skill in Skellige. The “Path of Warriors” offers him this opportunity by leading him up treacherous mountain peaks and into the heart of hidden caves. Only when he has navigated these perilous paths will Geralt earn the respect of Skellige’s people.

The “Warrior’s Trail” promises a captivating journey, and it carries an exhilarating sense of adventure that will leave lasting impressions on those who embark upon it.



The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Svorlag
  • Quest Giver: Crach an Craite

Apart from the point that Cerys an Craite, also known as the “Sparrowhawk” of Skellige, would make an exceptional queen if Geralt decides to aid her, her quest in “Possession” is equally captivating. The story unfolds when Cerys embarks on a journey to Spikeroog, aiming to demonstrate her worthiness for the throne by assisting Jarl Udalryk. Some speculate he communicates with the gods, but Cerys suspects he’s suffering from something else. And as it turns out, she is indeed correct in this assumption.

Throughout their journey together, Geralt assists Cerys in identifying the mysterious beast tormenting the unbalanced Jarl. Once she has determined the appropriate course of action, it results in a fulfilling conclusion that players might not anticipate. Moreover, by the end, they acquire an exceptional candidate for ruling Skellige, making “Possession” one of the most compelling side quests within the Witcher 3 universe.

The Last Wish


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Ingdalen Isle
  • Quest Giver: Yennefer of Vengeberg

Title ‘The Last Wish’ signifies the storyline about Geralt’s initial encounter with Yennefer, where he made a pact with a djinn to intertwine their destinies in an attempt to save her life. In the quest from ‘The Witcher 3’, Yennefer questions whether her feelings for Geralt are genuine or influenced by the wish, leading her to seek out another djinn and potentially reverse the enchantment by making a new request.

This side mission is quite engaging as it takes players through breathtaking secluded spots of Skellige, culminating in a fight against a djinn on an oddly anchored ship perched atop mountains. Notably, this quest offers an opportunity for players to deepen their relationship with Yennefer, if they haven’t already done so with Triss. In essence, “The Last Wish” isn’t just about its witty dialogue and combat; it also carries a heartfelt and poignant tone for those who follow this particular storyline.

Farting Trolls


The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: A cave between Arinbjorn and Kaer Muire
  • Quest Giver: None

Occasionally, captivating side quests don’t have to involve grand, life-threatening events filled with complexities and various conclusions. At times, a well-executed dash of humor related to everyday life, like toilet humor in this case, can make a quest truly memorable.

In The Witcher 3, trolls are among the amusing creatures that bring excitement to the game. These particular trolls take pride in their flatulence, which is quite entertaining to many. Instead of merely chuckling at their shenanigans and moving on to slay them, players often choose to give them a bit of leeway. This brief moment of humor arrives just when it’s needed most, maintaining player interest during the game’s latter stages.

The Bastion

Kaer Morhen

The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Bastion
  • Quest Giver: None

At Kaer Morhen’s Witcher Keep, space isn’t its forte, but its surroundings compensate amply. For instance, the woods, caves, and hills host a variety of side quests that are effortlessly overlooked, particularly when players concentrate on the primary narrative. Among the numerous side quests at Kaer Morhen, “The Bastion” stands out as the most immersive, boasting an unsettling ambiance that’s hard to ignore.

Geralt explores an ancient Witcher fortress, now haunted by ghosts. As he delves deeper, he uncovers evidence of a gruesome massacre that transpired there long ago. To solve this enigma, he requires a magical lamp given to him by Keira Metz and his sharp intellect, as navigating the fortress can be tricky.

Collect ‘Em All

Multiple Locations

The Witcher 3: The Best Optional Quests In Every Major Location
  • Location: Multiple locations in The Witcher 3’s world
  • Quest Giver: None

What is the most extended tale in The Witcher 3? Is it Geralt searching for Ciri? No – actually, it’s Geralt gathering all the Gwent cards that takes the longest. Even though this quest can be skipped, it provides a heap of enjoyment and lets the player meet many interesting characters along the way.

In addition, if Geralt chooses not to gather Gwent cards and compete against NPCs for them, he risks overlooking some top-tier side quests like “A Dangerous Game” and “High Stakes”, both found in Novigrad. While Gwent might be a contentious feature of the game, those who appreciate it can expect to pass quite a bit of enjoyable time with it.

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2024-09-11 02:55