Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

Key Takeaways

  • There is a big possibility that Star Wars Outlaws will receive DLC in the future.
  • It’s unclear what this DLC is going to be, but it could range from new items to brand-new story beats and campaigns.
  • From potential multiplayer features to simple quality-of-life changes, the options for Star Wars Outlaws DLC are numerous.

As someone who’s spent countless hours navigating through the galaxy far, far away, I can’t help but share my thoughts on how Ubisoft could further enhance the immersive experience that is Star Wars Outlaws.

There are several digital and physical editions available for purchase of the game “Star Wars Outlaws“. Additionally, it’s suggested that additional content may be released in the future through DLC. This could include new gear, spaceships, or even entire new storylines.

For Star Wars Outlaws, it’s challenging to predict the specifics of any future downloadable content (DLC) since its development largely hinges on the game’s performance. Regrettably, this is a common occurrence in gaming – as witnessed with Final Fantasy 15. But let’s set aside thoughts about that RPG and instead imagine what potential DLC plans could be for Star Wars Outlaws.

6 Steal Other Vehicles

Turn Star Wars Outlaws Into GTA

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws,” the Speeder bike becomes accessible on Toshara and is remarkably swift initially. As players progress, they can enhance it to boost its speed, enable it to traverse water, and even make it jump – almost as if it’s been infused with Mario’s agility spirit. Importantly, this speeder bike is the only vehicle in the game that players can ride on surfaces.

It’s a bit sad knowing that there are other vehicles on these planets from car-like devices to different styles of Speeders and players cannot jack them like in Grand Theft Auto. That would be a cool feature to add which would coincide with the Galactic Empire’s wanted levels in Star Wars Outlaws. It would also be great if Ubisoft gave Kay some sort of glider like in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to leap off of cliffs with or some sort of hookshot to make scaling walls faster.

5 Add Multiplayer Heists

Could Be Another Nod To GTA

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

Including heists in the game serves as another tribute to the style seen in Grand Theft Auto. The primary storyline revolves around the character, Kay, gathering a group to execute the heist of the millennium. Although there is an online component to the game, it does not offer any obvious interconnections for players.

It’s a pity not to incorporate heists or multiplayer aspects at launch, as conducting a space heist with a skilled crew would be an extraordinary experience beyond anything we’ve seen in Grand Theft Auto. Although heisting on Earth is thrilling, the concept of space heists takes it to another level. If such a feature isn’t already being developed, it definitely should be considered. Additionally, incorporating cooperative play and giving a secondary player control over Nix during key moments in the main story would add an interesting twist, making the game more engaging and unique.

4 Bring Back Boba Fett For A Duel

More Bounty Hunters Will Surely Come After Kay

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

In the movie Star Wars Outlaws, both Lando Calrissian and Jabba the Hutt make appearances, among several others. One of the less conspicuous appearances is Boba Fett’s, who can be spotted conversing with someone via a vent in Jabba’s Palace. Although he doesn’t speak, it’s suggested that he’s there to collect a bounty on behalf of Jabba.

In the primary storyline, a character named Kay is being pursued by a bounty hunter called Vail Tormin. This chase ensues because Sliro Barsha has placed a Death Mark on her – a sign used by bounty hunters to identify their most prized targets. At the end of Star Wars Outlaws, it is suggested that this mark might be lifted, but could potentially be reinstated in downloadable content (DLC). In this DLC expansion, Kay’s narrative could revolve around her trying to evade and battle other bounty hunters, such as Boba Fett and IG-88 who are not yet part of the game.

3 Upgrade Disposable Weapons

Give Kay A Better Arsenal

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws,” Kay wields a reliable blaster that was passed down from her mother. Players can enhance this blaster by adding various modules, which provide unique abilities such as stunning opponents or destroying walls with lasers. Additionally, players can grab temporary weapons dropped by defeated enemies, ranging from Gatling Guns to sniper rifles. While using the blaster and these temporary weapons is enjoyable, there’s potential for Ubisoft to expand Kay’s weapon collection further.

From a fan’s perspective, here’s an idea: It would be great if the game developers could implement a feature allowing players to hold one disposable weapon constantly or until they choose to discard it. As of now, these temporary weapons can get lost during common activities like climbing ladders or rolling around, which can be quite aggravating in unexpected skirmishes. Additionally, incorporating more stealthy weapons, either disposable or not, would significantly enhance the gaming experience.

2 Expand Planets Or Add New Ones

From Bespin To Kijimi

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws”, there are four planets that players can move about: Akiva, Kijimi, Tatooine, and Toshara. While all of these planets provide expansive open-world areas for exploration, it’s important to note that Kijimi is an exception. On this icy planet, players are only allowed to roam freely within the city, which, despite being limited, is quite spacious.

It’s intriguing to speculate that Ubisoft could broaden the Kijimi landscape for players, introducing a snowy terrain to explore. Perhaps they might develop a snow accessory for speeder vehicles to facilitate smoother navigation on the snow. In addition to expansions, it would be captivating to witness the inclusion of other planets such as Bespin, renowned for Cloud City, which teems with unsavory characters, or Coruscant in a future DLC storyline expansion.

1 Quality Of Life Improvements

From Saves To Fast Travel

Things We Want To See In Star Wars Outlaws DLC

As a gamer, I’d prefer if game developers focused more on adding desired features via patches rather than paid DLC immediately. For instance, Ubisoft has imposed restrictions on when and where we can save, which doesn’t sit well with stealth games that usually allow players to save as much as they want during their gaming experience. Removing such limitations would be a great help for those of us who find the current setup challenging.

In the game, you’ll find a good map and markers, but it doesn’t have a direct navigation system like in Dead Space or Grand Theft Auto. Having a glowing arrow that clearly indicates the route to a mission area would be beneficial, as the path can sometimes be hard to discern, particularly in mountainous regions. Fast travel is also quite restricted with only a few designated spots for players, often leading to unnecessary detours. Enhancing the fast travel system and providing clear waypoint instructions could significantly improve Star Wars Outlaws.

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2024-09-06 04:24