Tips for Beginners in Kingdom Two Crowns

Tips for Beginners in Kingdom Two Crowns

Key Takeaways

  • Focus on defense before expanding to prevent greedlings from infiltrating the camp.
  • Gathering gold early on is crucial for sustaining the kingdom’s operations.
  • Activate statues for permanent buffs, and explore new islands to progress in the campaign.

As a seasoned ruler of many a realm, I can wholeheartedly vouch for the importance of these instructions in managing one’s kingdom effectively. The banker, a humble fellow indeed, is a treasure trove of potential growth and prosperity. Deposit your gold with him when you can, let it accrue interest like a loyal servant, and withdraw only when absolutely necessary.

In simple terms, “Kingdom Two Crowns” is a strategic game that involves building and managing your kingdom while also preparing for attacks from enemies. However, the defensive aspect becomes more crucial as you progress through the story mode. The main objective of the game is to attack the entity known as Greed, close its portals, and conquer all the nearby islands.

The game functions based on the idea of “Demonstrate rather than Explain.” It offers numerous engaging interactions and game elements that players must uncover on their own, without any help from the game. This setup is great for immersion, but it could lead to players missing certain features. With this understanding in mind, here are some tips newcomers might find helpful when playing this game.

6 Don’t Expand Too Early

Haste Makes Waste

  • Focus on defense before expanding.
  • Pikemen make great defenders.

Initially, when the player starts living on the initial island, Greed won’t instigate attacks on their settlements. But after a brief period of peace, the player will notice nightly assaults by enemies on both sides of their walls. If the player expands their camp prematurely, they may find themselves ill-prepared to defend against these intrusions, resulting in Greedlings sneaking into the camp and murdering valuable workers.

To avoid such occurrences, ensure you maintain an adequate number of defenders, archer towers, and keep your outer wall well-fortified. Remember, pikemen can be useful in defense but they’re not accessible until the player advances into the Stone Age.

5 Get A Steady Source of Income

Money Makes the World Go Round

  • Gather gold as soon as possible.
  • Cutting trees, killing wildlife, and farming are great sources of gold.

To effectively establish a new realm, securing a consistent revenue stream is crucial. Gold serves as the currency for all actions, constructions, and labor forces enlisted. Adequate gold supply ensures the smooth functioning of the kingdom.

In various ways, players can acquire gold in this game. Initially, archers may hunt wildlife or animals within the kingdom’s walls during their expeditions into the wilderness. Additionally, chopping down trees will yield some gold too. Yet, the most stable and profitable method is by utilizing farmers. To do so, players must first develop the town center to a specific level before recruiting farmers. Moreover, they need to construct farmland near a small river for farming and growing crops to generate gold consistently.

4 Check The Island’s Surroundings

Get To Every Nook and Cranny

  • Explore the island.
  • Go beyond the portals without worrying about greedlings.

Regardless of the chosen island for colonization, it’s guaranteed to hold untouched riches just waiting to be seized. These riches might take form as hidden hermit dwellings, makeshift vagrant encampments, chests brimming with gold and precious gems, or even statues that bestow advantages upon activation.

Investigate both ends of the island thoroughly to maximize collecting all the bonuses and rewards. Following the first island, you’ll encounter barriers preventing further progress. Fret not, these blocks can be bypassed without any issues as you walk straight through them. Remember though, ensure your mount is fed before crossing a barrier, because it might spawn some pesky creatures known as greedlings that will chase after you for a brief moment before scurrying away.

3 Pay The Banker

Diversify One’s Portfolio

  • Store gold with the banker to help manage finances.
  • Don’t withdraw gold unless necessary, as it accrues interest.

Once a player advances their town center to level 4 (Tier 4 Town Hall), they’ll gain access to the banker. This modest character plays a crucial role in expanding the kingdom swiftly and effectively handling finances. In the mornings and evenings, you can find him around the town center. Nevertheless, he disappears into his hall during the night, and also during enemy counterattacks from the greedlings.

As a banker, his job involves two main tasks: facilitating the deposit and withdrawal of gold by players, and rewarding interest on the stored gold. To add funds to your account with the banker, position yourself near him and begin placing your coins. He’ll take them up automatically. After a while, he may pause and move towards the town center where he deposits the collected coins. If you want to speed up the process, you can keep giving him more coins during this time. To receive your coins back from the bank, just stand in front of the banker, and he’ll dispense them for you until he moves away.

The gold amassed by the banker, located in the heart of the town, becomes visible each daybreak. This gold stack generates approximately 7% interest on a daily basis. Regardless of whether the ruling monarch loses their title, the money kept at the bank remains accessible for future heirs.

2 Praise The Statues

Permanent Active Buffs

  • Statues can be activated using gems and gold, granting the civilization permanent buffs.
  • These buffs can be reactivated by heirs as well, without spending any gems.

In the stunning archipelago of Kingdom Two Crowns, remnants from an ancient era are strewn about the terrain as statues. Players can interact with these statues, often requiring gems or coins to activate them. The statues discovered during gameplay grant permanent boosts to the entire kingdom, which persist unless the player loses their crown. Remarkably, these statues can be reactivated without spending any more gems in the future.

These buffs vary from statue to statue, but are always a net benefit to the player. The statue on the first island is that of an archer. On activation, it buffs the accuracy of all ranged attacks, including catapults. This makes all archers and catapults a lot deadlier compared to before.

1 Explore the Seas

New Lands Hold the Secret To Progress

  • New islands represent new opportunities.
  • Use wharf bells to bring troops alongside the player, and use lighthouses to make returning easy.

As a player embarks on their adventure, they’ll discover a shipwreck not far off. Once enough resources have been accumulated, rebuild the shipwreck right away, as it will grant access to other nearby islands for further exploration and expansion of your empire to an optimal scale. Not only does exploration aid in resource gathering, but it is crucial for technological advancement, acquiring new statue bonuses, and completing the campaign’s objectives.

On the initial island, rebuilding the ship won’t cost a fortune. Players need just 12 gold coins for launching it into the water, and another 10 gold coins to embark on their dream sea voyage. However, repair costs escalate as the player progresses to other islands. If a player demolishes the distant dock portal and constructs a lighthouse instead, they can easily return to that island without damaging their ship during docking operations.

Remember to ring the dock bell every time you depart from an island. Doing so enables fellow citizens to embark on the ship together with you, assisting in expanding the realm and accelerating the pace of your settlement’s development.

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2024-10-21 03:04