- The best romances in the Mass Effect franchise aren’t always the most fleshed-out ones, but they continue to be popular after players revisited the trilogy through Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
- Some characters have a special draw for certain demographics, while others have broad appeal even when not romanced. Mass Effect romances have influenced player tastes and made the franchise worth playing.
- The love interests in Mass Effect: Andromeda may only have one game to introduce them, but they carry on the tradition of Mass Effect romances.
- Turians, Quarians, and Angarans may be limited to the world of virtual fiction, but humans have a lot more flexibility to reach for love stories that matter.
Romance is a significant element in the Mass Effect series, and the characters you can develop relationships with are captivating, some even sparking debate. Delving deeper into these characters adds another layer to the games they’re found in. It’s not always the most detailed romances that stand out, but those that resonate with players long after revisiting the trilogy via Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. Characters from Mass Effect: Andromeda, although only appearing in one game, continue the tradition of compelling Mass Effect romances that make this franchise a must-play.
Some characters have a special draw for some demographics. Others have a broad appeal even when not romanced. Either way, they’re all characters who make players blush and crave more, particularly the fan favorites that have far too little content or emphasis. Lack of content aside, these romances have fueled players’ imaginations to the point of influencing their tastes. Turians, Quarians, and Angarans might be limited to the world of virtual fiction, but if there’s one thing Mass Effect romances are famous for, it’s the fact that humans have a lot more flexibility when they can reach for love stories that matter.
27. Jacob Taylor
The Ex-Romance With An Ex-Cerberus

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Female Shepard
- Voice Actor: Adam Lazarre-White
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3
Jacob has some points in his favor, including having one of the more interesting companion quests in Mass Effect 2, his openness about where Shepard stands with him, and his aversion to shirts. That said, his character ultimately fails to bring what his concept promises. He’s unnecessarily standoffish with femShep, his relationship with Miranda has a certain ick factor, and the shine of his personality is hard to find beneath the missed opportunities and stereotypes he became infamous for in fandom.
There’s also Mass Effect 3. Jacob’s character progresses to the third game with no thought given to importing his romance from the previous one, and, unfortunately, it canonizes him not only failing to formally break up with Shepard before impregnating another woman, but he also goes out of his way to reject her again. Ironically, considering how Jacob reacts if he gets rejected in Mass Effect 2. Rejection on its own would have been an accepted and bold RPG move had it been purposeful and timely, but it was neither. A point in favor of having Jacob as an ex is the opportunity to give him a piece of femShep’s mind in the Citadel DLC.
26. Diana Allers
The Exclusively Token Fling

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Jessica Chobot
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 3
Allers is arguably best appreciated by those with no feelings for the first two games, nor for long-term relationships because she asks Shepard to keep their activities on the down-low. It’s no secret that her late addition to Mass Effect 3 took the spot that should have been given to one of the more familiar reporters featured in the earlier games like Emily Wong, beloved by fandom and the original choice, or even Khalisah al-Jilani. Either option would have been a welcome surprise for fans and an interesting addition to the crew.
Allers is mostly inoffensive, her function as a reporter is quite useful for War Assets, and the performance behind the character is good. In a lineup of long-beloved and fascinating characters, though, “good” doesn’t stand out and she is given little to no personal depth, so it’s hardly surprising that few fans choose to romance her. The controversy surrounding creating Allers to replace Wong is harder to look past, and the lack of substantive drama or joy makes her a lackluster choice at best.
25. Kelly Chambers
For The Giggles, For The Fish

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Female or male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Cara Pifko
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3
Kelly’s romance hasn’t aged well, and it’s not because some people enjoy the idea of her dancing for Shepard in an Afterlife outfit. The problem lies in how hers is not presented as a serious romance in so many ways, despite smooth segues into flirting and emotional groundwork, and that there’s the incentive to manipulatively romance her up until she feeds Shepard’s fish and then forget about her in favor of the “real” romance to lock-in.
To put it simply, Kelly is a likable character who is empathetic, charismatic, and has a captivating vulnerability. She serves as a damsel in distress that Shepard can rescue in the game Mass Effect 3. However, by this game, her romance options are not fully developed compared to other romantic characters in the series.
24. Morinth
Embracing Game Over

- Race: Asari
- Romanceable by: Female or male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Natalia Cigliuti
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3
Players who choose Morinth will first have to sacrifice Samara, which is already a big ask. But what makes Morinth a fascinating romance from an RPG perspective is that Shepard is made fully aware that becoming intimate with this person will most definitely result in death, and much to some fans’ delight, Mass Effect 2 can end in Morinth’s embrace of eternity.
There are few reasons to keep this character alive from a strategic or romantic perspective. Aside from losing her mother and being unable to romance her and live to play on, her unromanced future is bleak. If Morinth lives, in Mass Effect 3 she is one of the numerous Ardat Yakshi-turned-Banshees that Shepard mows down. Her character has nothing but tragedy and death written into it, which has its appeal for those looking for a more brutal gameplay, and it’s a great feature that her romance is actually an option for players.
23. Gil Brodie
The Family Man Mechanic

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Male Ryder
- Voice Actor: Gethin Anthony
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect Andromeda
This romantic scenario could have been captivating, but Gil presents an enigmatic appeal due to his gradual approach towards Ryder. However, there are certain reservations, primarily his puzzling fixation on the biological urge to reproduce, which seems out of sync with his immaturity, as well as his association with his equally fixated friend Jill, and the fact that he is not a member of their squad.
Having the only strictly m/m romance as the only family option Andromeda offers should have played into the game’s overall theme of colonizing a new galaxy. In reality, not only does the “let’s be two dads” question override the opportunity to establish how he and Ryder might work as a couple, but it also gives just enough for his fans to feel short-changed despite their love of this romance. Gil is a great guy, but he deserved better.
22. Keri T’Vessa
Scooping Some In-Depth Research

- Race: Asari
- Romanceable by: Female or male Ryder
- Voice Actor: Rebecca Night
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect Andromeda
Keri is a dedicated journalist, much like other media personalities in the Mass Effect universe. Her primary interest lies in following the progress of the Pathfinder Team, often discussing it. Unlike Diana Allers, Keri’s role feels engagingly significant to the player. Players who pursue romantic interactions with her may uncover her affectionate side that complements her analytical personality. Tenacious Ryder characters can even embark on an eternal voyage alongside this asari companion off-screen.
The less appealing side of Keri is her apparent lack of relational integrity; she is fully willing to be Ryder’s discreet lover alongside a main romance, although this is only applicable if players take advantage of pursuing multiple romances. Andromeda lightly dabbles in alternative relationship models, but if there are others, Keri will choose secrecy from a relatively early dialogue point even if Ryder later commits to another romance.
21. Sha’ira The Consort
Shepard Is The Envy Of The Galaxy

- Race: Asari
- Romanceable by: Female or male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Gwendoline Yeo
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect
Sha’ira is one of the most powerful denizens of the Presidium in Mass Effect, and spending time in her presence is something people will spend fortunes on and patiently wait months to do. She is the graceful and sensuous advisor, counselor, and comfort of esteemed figures from diplomats to generals, and as players will learn, even she has worldly problems to fix.
Liara romancers get to hear a tinge of her jealousy during this quest, although Sha’ira will not outright offer Shepard a sensual encounter. Players who deem her advice as an insufficient reward at the end of her quest can still ask about alternative means of compensation; the glamor of this experience is a mildly suggestive cutscene, an achievement, and maybe a reputation.
20. James Vega
A Night To Almost Remember
- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Female Shepard
- Voice Actor: Freddie Prinze Jr.
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 3
James has an old-school approach to avoiding outright fraternization with superiors, although players wouldn’t know it by how he talks back to Shepard and calls her “Lola”. This shameless flirt won’t keep his attraction to himself, but he will balk at the idea of romance if confronted with the idea.
That doesn’t mean a solo Shepard unattached to other romances can’t have a moment of levity in the Citadel DLC when James winds up in her bed after some more relentless flirting between them. The only prerequisite is to complete his companion arc and not to have a locked-in romance before the party. No relationships here, just a moment of drunk passion.
19. Javik
He Waited 50,000 Years
- Race: Prothean
- Romanceable by: Female Shepard
- Voice Actor: Ike Amadi
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 3
As far as one-night stands go, Javik is an acquired taste who will deftly interrupt the bleakness of the trilogy’s looming end with an amusingly satisfied Prothean, and a femShep experiencing the visible cringe of someone who woke up to a living, breathing Prothean in her bed. Whether players like Javik or not, Shepard’s moment of lust can’t be called anything but distinguished.
If not a single Turian, Asari, Human, or any other available sentient species aboard the Normandy stands a chance at catching Shepard’s eye, her most ancient war buddy will make the first move he’s made since the last cycle. For just one night after the Citadel DLC party, Shepard can prove to Javik that being surrounded by primitives has certain benefits.
18. Steve Cortez
Stable Ground For The Sweetest Flyer
- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Matthew Del Negro
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 3
Steve Cortez is a new face in Mass Effect 3, and his romance has an angsty appeal similar to Thane’s. When Shepard meets him, he’s still grieving the tragic loss of his husband at the hands of the Collectors, and his wholesome romance is almost certain to end in death doing them apart. Still, the only real downside to this romance is how little content there is, because the demand for Steve is there.
Fans of Steve know that giving him a reason to love and live another day is a healing journey that acts as a salve for any soul hurting from loss. His brave piloting and humor would be winning enough, but Steve’s kind heart is so apparent in how he cares for his shipmates that it moves players to go above and beyond for him.
17. Liam Kosta
Good In A Crisis & Great At A Party
- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Female Ryder
- Voice Actor: Gary Carr
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect Andromeda
The human companions of Mass Effect haven’t traditionally been the most popular, but Liam makes a better impression than most when romanced. And not just because his companion quest is by far the funniest. Not everyone gets Liam’s brand of charisma, but anyone who falls into his arms knows that he’s as steady as they come and surprisingly mature in matters of the heart.
Liam works out a lot like Jacob, but he’s far less standoffish, and he’s an ex-cop who loves fixing chaos like Garrus, but sometimes it’s a chaos of his own making. He has flaws, but he’s willing to own them and work on himself. Players looking for a guy who cares will find Liam’s HUSTL is a sweet experience, provided they don’t mind the occasional hot-headed randomness.
16. Ashley Williams
Kissing Ash With All Due Respect

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Kimberly Brooks
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, & Mass Effect 3
One of the original human romance options for male Shepard, Ash is infamous for her attitudes towards aliens and her lukewarm allegiance to Shepard, even though she grows as a character if she’s persuaded to evolve by Paragon players. All the same, Mass Effect has always given players a range of attitudes to adopt, and pro-human Renegades won’t find a better partner to shoot up the galaxy with. She comes at the price of sacrificing Kaidan, though.
Ash isn’t the most useless squadmate to bring along thanks to her military prowess alone, but quite a few players forget about their two human companions in favor of all the fan-favorite aliens. She’s certainly not the most popular, and many despise this poetry-loving character because of her brusque comments in Mass Effect and how reluctantly she embraces other cultures. She may represent a lot about humanity’s past, but future-seeking Shepards might do better to keep searching.
15. Pelessaria “Peebee” B’Sayle
Whatever Floats Her Boat Is How It Goes

- Race: Asari
- Romanceable by: Female & Male Ryder
- Voice Actor: Christine Lakin
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect: Andromeda
Peebee is an acquired taste for most, particularly because she hits a little too close to home as Andromeda’s Liara stand-in, only far less impactful. As a love interest, her past romance of note is a disquieting insight into her main character flaw: co-dependency. Peebee initially doesn’t allow Ryder to get close to her emotionally, and her flippant personality is off-putting for some, but her vulnerability can be rewarding for those players who persevere.Peebee’s romance may be most interesting to players who want to experience what intimacy is beyond the superficiality of casual relationships. She’s afraid of commitment, and prone to indulge in hookups, but beneath her rebellious drives is a trauma she is willing to face and integrate with the right person. She is a romance option who can be a casual fling for Ryder, but players who take the time to win her heart will find she’s willing to heal the wounds in her soul and embrace non-toxic love for the first time.
14. Cora Harper
Looking For Huntress-Grade Biotic Love

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Male Ryder
- Voice Actor: Jules de Jongh
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect: Andromeda
Cora was designed with prominent personal flaws that may grate on players at first blush, and that’s before she’s given plot reasons to be bitter toward Ryder in the first act. As such, she’s not so well-liked in the Andromeda companion lineup. Players who try to win her over anyway will be surprised to find that she is one of the most romantic and detailed love interests in the game.
There’s a lot more to Cora than first meets the eye: she’s one of the most self-reflective members of Ryder’s team, and her growth is dramatic once her main flaw is tackled. Beyond taking criticism well, Cora can be charmingly open-hearted, even when she feels antagonistic. She’s a great option for male Ryder players who are in it for the long haul in a relationship, and will take the time to get to know her heart before exploring the limits of CGI decency.
13. Kaidan Alenko
He Shoots For Shepard & He Can Cook, Too

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Female Shepard (Mass Effect 1, 2, & 3) and male Shepard (Mass Effect 3)
- Voice Actor: Raphael Sbarge
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, & Mass Effect 3
Kaidan is one of the two original romances for female Shepard in Mass Effect, and players who prefer Ash leave it at that with finality. Those who feel like Kaidan deserves a second shot at existence, and a chance at love, will be pleasantly surprised if they can hang on until Mass Effect 3. By the third game, not only is Kaidan bisexual, he’s a whole new man forged of the same stuff, and as wholesome and steady as they come for Shepard as a final love interest.
This is one of those romances that takes a trilogy to blossom, and it explores themes of betrayal and trust before it flourishes. Kaidan is designed to fall for Shepard, triggering as easily for women in the first game as Ashley’s infamous “sneak attack romance” triggers for men. He’s designed to play devil’s advocate in Mass Effect 2. By the third game, Kaidan evolves into a much more open and easy-going guy. In contrast to Ash, he approaches the changes he and Shepard undergo with humility and maturity, making him a solid romance choice.
12. Reyes Vidal
Dalliance With The Silver-Tongued Fox Of Kadara

- Race: Human
- Romanceable by: Female and Male Ryder
- Voice Actor: Nicholas Boulton
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect: Andromeda
If romanced, Reyes is the first one to say that Ryder has bad taste in men. His fans know exactly what he means, and they are here for it. Charming and roguish, Reyes is a character that inspires instant dislike or adoration in many at first and last impression. He’s also an unusual romance option in Andromeda. He was so popular with fans that his brief dalliance on Kadara was upgraded to full romance status in a patch.
Players who choose to romance Reyes will experience some of the smoothest flirts in the game, and his rapport with Ryder reflects this throughout all their banter, even when they’re talking business. This romance is special in that it’s integrated into the Kadara subplot instead of taking Ryder on a private quest to lock it in, and he will remain there after his quests conclude. It’s also one of the most angsty romance options in Andromeda for players who change their minds about him, as his breakup can be uniquely brutal.
11. Samara
Where There Is A Will, There’s A Justicar Code

- Race: Asari
- Romanceable By: Female and Male Shepard
- Voice Actor: Maggie Baird
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3
Samara’s romance strongly resonates with the character archetype she represents: it’s the platonic love story of a knight-errant. As such, she is the perfect choice for chivalrous Paragons. In Mass Effect 2 she will admit to reciprocating Shepard’s romantic feelings, but the Justicar Code will prevent her from acting on them.
Players who stay true to Samara anyway will have another chance in the Citadel DLC of Mass Effect 3 to persuade her that everything has changed and that they could, too. This romance plays on the heartstrings and promises nothing. Samara romancers will ache for this star-crossed love, but Shepard can have a night to treasure with her if the opportunity is seized.
10. Suvi Anwar
Stargazing With Suvi Is A Sweet Science

- Race: Human
- Romanceable By: Female Ryder
- Voice Actor: Katy Townsend
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect: Andromeda
Suvi is a gentle presence on the Tempest, but her unassertiveness shouldn’t be confused with insecurity. Suvi knows herself, and that also means she’s clear about what she wants from female Ryders who romance her. Players who delight in philosophy and theology will see a kindred spirit in her; she is all about deep connections.
Though Suvi’s final romance scene cuts away before her precise orientation is made clear, the feelings she stirs in fans are quite bold as the unofficial “ace romance.” For some players enchanted by her intelligence and ability to straddle science and faith, she will leave them wanting more. For others, Suvi is a rare pleasure precisely because of the absence of an overt display of physical intimacy.
9. Vetra Nyx
The Turian-Of-All-Trades Has Romance In Spades

- Race: Turian
- Romanceable By: Female and Male Ryder
- Voice Actor: Danielle Rayne
- Appearance(s): Mass Effect: Andromeda
Players who started with Mass Effect will appreciate Vetra on a whole different level. In the wake of Garrus’ success, Turians have been a fan-favorite species since the inception of the franchise. Vetra’s not just any Turian, though: she’s street-smart, protective of those she loves, and she will go to any lengths for a Ryder who she can trust.
Vetra may be Turian, but she has the same appeal Tali did in Shepard’s trilogy. Her romance also leaves most of the intimacy to the imagination. Still, she is a popular romantic partner because she’s adorable. Fans only wish there was more of it! Family-oriented players who would love a very tall girlfriend will find Sid, Vetra’s kid sister, an especially wholesome bonus.
8. Samantha Traynor
Most People Use Showers & Toothbrushes To Get Clean

- Race: Human
- Romanceable By: Female Shepard
- Voice Actor: Alix Wilton Regan
- Appearances: Mass Effect 3
Samantha is smart, very funny, and an excellent Comm Specialist, making her an instantly likable addition to the Mass Effect 3 lineup. Players who romance her are in for some of the wittiest flirts in the trilogy. She doesn’t have a unique companion quest, but she plays an integral part on the Normandy, and she gets more involved Citadel DLC content than some trilogy-spanning characters do.
Sam draws strength from Shepard as they bond, but it’s her independent brilliance and warmth that makes her such an attractive choice. The only real downside to Sam is that she’s introduced very late in the trilogy. Players who locked in one of the many Mass Effect 2 love interests may be compelled to continue that relationship instead, but those looking to take a chance with someone new should know: Traynor only needs a toothbrush to save the Normandy.
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