Uniswap Foundation Reveals Assets Ahead of Fee Mechanism Vote

As a researcher with extensive experience in the DeFi and cryptocurrency space, I find the recent developments at Uniswap intriguing. The proposed on-chain voting for the new fee mechanism has generated significant buzz within the community, leading to a notable increase in UNI’s value.

The Uniswap Foundation declared that members will be able to cast on-chain votes for a proposed fee mechanism update by May 31st. This announcement has resulted in a significant surge in value for UNI, the network’s native token, which has risen by 12.31% within the past day and reached a price of $11.29.

Uniswap Proposes Autonomous Fee Collection System

The Uniswap Foundation has proposed a significant move towards enabling self-governing fee collection and distribution within Uniswap V3 pools. Should this proposition be adopted, control over the mainnet UniswapV3Factory will shift to a freshly deployed V3FactoryOwner instance. Nevertheless, this vote doesn’t initiate the fees; they will be addressed in a subsequent proposal.

In February, the Uniswap Foundation presented a plan for distributing fees from the Uniswap decentralized finance (DeFi) platform to UNI token holders, aiming to increase engagement in governance. Although this idea received initial favorable reactions, it might face legal obstacles from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Previously, all fees earned by Uniswap were given to liquidity providers who contributed assets to the platform. However, under the new suggestion, UNI token stakers and delegates would receive a share of the protocol fees, thereby encouraging more active involvement within the Uniswap community.

Uniswap Foundation Reveals $41.41M Holdings

Based on CryptoFees’ data, Uniswap generated around 3.2 million dollars in fees within the last 24 hours, with an average of 3.4 million dollars over the past week. This protocol is responsible for handling nearly one-third of all trades in the decentralized finance market. Meanwhile, according to the Uniswap Foundation’s first quarter report, they held approximately $41.41 million in fiat currency and stablecoins, along with 730,000 UNI tokens as of the report’s end. During this period, the Foundation allocated 4.34 million dollars for new grants and distributed 2.79 million dollars from previously committed grants.

In clear and natural language: The USD cash and stable assets are earmarked for our grant-making and daily business operations. On the other hand, UNI tokens are set aside for employee incentives. This financial disclosure is intended to enhance transparency and boost trust among our stakeholders ahead of the upcoming vote.

In the ongoing dispute between the SEC and Uniswap, the DeFi platform has submitted its response to the Securities and Exchange Commission’s official notice. Uniswap Labs insists that the SEC should withdraw its accusations against the company. The SEC’s notice, issued in April, accused Uniswap of violating securities laws by operating as an unregistered securities exchange and broker. However, Uniswap contends that the SEC lacks the authority to regulate its decentralized protocol under current legal frameworks.

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2024-05-26 03:14