Valorant Night Market Returns in a Few Days

Valorant Night Market Returns in a Few Days

As a dedicated Valorant player with countless hours spent on the battlefield, I eagerly await the arrival of the Night Market. It’s like Christmas for us gamers, but instead of presents under the tree, we get the chance to roll the dice for some amazing skins at unbeatable prices!

As a dedicated Valorant gamer, I’m getting ready to dip into my savings as Riot Games unveils the next Night Market window. It feels like just yesterday we were enjoying the last Valorant Night Market, and this will be the fourth one this year! Despite the quick succession, it never fails to excite Valorant enthusiasts worldwide.

What is the Valorant Night Market?

The Night Market refers to a special occasion in Valorant where players can purchase cosmetics at significantly reduced prices. During this event, participants have a chance to win randomized skins through draws, with the discount they receive depending on the rarity of the skin they draw. This means that users can obtain skins with a potential 50% discount, and the luck-based roll system adds an exciting element to the practice.

When is the Next Valorant Night Market?

Riot Games has officially announced that the upcoming Valorant Night Market event will take place between August 15th and August 28th. This period is standard for Night Market events, so there’s no need to expect anything unusual.

Some things are just brighter at night.

Night. Market returns.

— VALORANT (@VALORANT) August 8, 2024

Will the Valorant Night Market Be on Console?

Riot Games announced that gamers playing on both PCs and consoles can participate in the Night Market simultaneously. As Valorant has recently been launched on consoles, this is the first time the event will occur beyond the PC platform.

Keep Your Eyes Open

During the Valorant Night Market, players take a chance and wait with bated breath. It’s possible to instantly snag your desired skin when rolling for the first time, but equally likely that you might keep rolling without finding anything appealing.

At the Night Market, there’s no compulsion to purchase a specific item when you draw; instead, you have the freedom to wait and see what might appear in your next turn, potentially discovering something even more appealing.

What skin are you waiting for in the Night Market?

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2024-08-09 09:17