Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss


  • Star Fragments are crucial for armor upgrades, and can be easily farmed by diving off Skyview Towers to catch them before they disappear at dawn.
  • Dragon Parts for armor upgrades require shooting the four dragons at close range, with fused arrows and monster eyeballs for precision and timing.
  • To obtain Champion’s Leathers, players must brave Hyrule Castle and light braziers in the Throne Room to unlock a hidden compartment with the armor.

In summary, “Tears of the Kingdom” offers various rewards for players who are willing to explore Hyrule thoroughly. Here are three notable rewards and how to obtain them:

In the time since “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” was released in 2017, fans have discovered countless secrets in this acclaimed game. But with Nintendo’s latest installment, “Tears of the Kingdom,” explorers are in for a real treat – and a challenge! With the introduction of Sky Islands and the Depths, the vastness of this game may leave players feeling a bit overwhelmed.

In the intricately designed world of “Tears of the Kingdom,” there are numerous elements that contribute to an engaging and rewarding experience for players as they explore and discover on their own. Yet, I’d like to highlight several items that no player should overlook. Some of these items can be obtained only by completing specific quests, while others are skillfully concealed in hidden locations, accessible only to the most dedicated fans of the “Zelda” series.

8 Star Fragments

They’re Easier To Find Than You Think

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

In the game “Tears of the Kingdom,” obtaining Star Fragments can be quite a challenge due to their unpredictable appearance. They descend from the sky at random during the night hours, leaving no clear signs of their presence until a beam of light gives away their location. With these elusive items being essential for enhancing valuable armor sets, players may seek alternative methods for accumulating larger quantities.

It’s fortunate that gamers can obtain Star Fragments, even if they’re restricted to just one per day in the game. When jumping off Skyview Towers, these fragments often appear and land near Link, providing an effortless method for players to acquire them without feeling pressed to race towards distant pillars of light. However, be prompt as Star Fragments vanish from the game by 5am.

7 Dragon Parts

To Upgrade Armor, You’ll Need Courage

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

Similar to Star Fragments, obtaining armor upgrades often involves utilizing materials obtained from four roaming dragons in Hyrule: Farosh, Naydra, Dinraal, and the Light Dragon. Players can acquire five distinct types of dragon parts, but this process will prove challenging as they must shoot arrows at the dragons from close range while in midair.

As a gamer, I’ve discovered an effective strategy for taking down dragons: infusing arrows with monster eyeballs increases my chances of scoring a hit. However, it can be tricky to target specific body parts. The drops occur every ten minutes, allowing patient players to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike at the dragon’s back. But be cautious, as weather hazards may pose a threat while you’re waiting.

6 Champion’s Leathers

Zelda Hid Something For You In Hyrule Castle

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

As a dedicated gamer in the enchanting world of “Breath of the Wild,” I can tell you that Link’s iconic blue tunic is an essential piece of equipment. However, obtaining it isn’t as straightforward as one might think. You’ll need to revisit one of the Captured Memories hidden within Hyrule.

In the Throne Room, players discover two braziers on either side that must be lit using a fire arrow or torch. Once both braziers are ignited, a concealed compartment with a treasure chest emerges. Inside this chest, players will find the Champion’s Leathers. These leathers can subsequently be upgraded, but it’s important to note that the necessary materials come from the Light Dragon.

5 Miner’s Armor

Never Wander Into Darkness Again

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

Delving into the Depths can be perilous for players who aren’t adequately equipped to navigate the darkness lurking between Lightroots. To illuminate the path, Brightbloom seeds are helpful, but an armor set that enhances this capability can also be discovered in Daphne’s Canyon Mines. Prepare yourself for a lengthy expedition, as the nearest chasm entrance is located in Hyrule Field.

As a gamer, I can tell you that the components of the Miner’s Armor are dispersed across different mining sites in this game. Specifically, you’ll find the Miner’s Top at Daphne’s Canyon Mines, the Trousers in Hylia Canyon Mine, and the Mask in Abandoned Kara Kara Mines. Upgrading these pieces to their maximum potential will necessitate a generous amount of Brightbloom seeds and Zonaite. With this armor fully upgraded, you’ll be well-equipped for defensive maneuvers as you delve deeper into the Depths.

4 Ancient Hero’s Aspect

A Worthwhile Reward For A Monumentous Task

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

Completing every one of the 152 shrines in “Tears of the Kingdom” is an impressive feat in its own right. Yet, this laborious journey offers a delightful incentive: upon finishing, players are granted the Ancient Hero’s Aspect when they revisit the Temple of Time on the Great Sky Island. This special aspect transforms Link into a Zonai being.

This armor boasts a remarkable defense capability, reaching a maximum of 84 points upon completion of all upgrades. An added benefit is the inclusion of the Master Sword Beam Up skill, which significantly amplifies the power of the Master Sword beam when your health is at its peak. A potential challenge lies in obtaining the necessary materials for upgrading the Ancient Hero’s Aspect from Silver Lynels, but the enhanced defense offered by this armor will likely make confronting them a more manageable task.

3 Fierce Deity Sword

A Powerful Weapon For Longtime Zelda Fans

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

Individuals who were raised with “Majora’s Mask” will be determined to collect every component of the Fierce Deity armor set in “Tears of the Kingdom.” Each piece can be acquired by completing the designated “Misko’s Treasure” mission, guiding players to hidden treasure chests located within the Ancient Stump Cave, Skull Lake Cave, and Akkala Citadel Ruins Summit Cave.

After putting on the complete armor set, players must make their way back to the cave close to Foothill Stable. It is here that Prissen and Domidak gave them the quest initially. A concealed entrance will then unfold, leading to a clandestine chamber where the Sword of the Fierce Deity, boasting a formidable 38 damage points, can be discovered. Keep this weapon close for an optimal battle, as it is not an easy one to obtain once broken.

2 Hylian Shield

Don’t Forget This Iconic Zelda Prop

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

In the upcoming game “Tears of the Kingdom,” players will acquire the Master Sword as part of the main story. However, they may be wondering how to obtain the other component of Link’s renowned sword-and-shield set. The Hylian Shield, similar to the Champion’s Leathers, is hidden within Hyrule Castle. But, players must first solve a sequence of intricate puzzles situated close to the Hyrule Castle Docks to uncover it.

Players accustomed to solving flaming torch riddles should find this task effortless. Once all the torches have been lit, a treasure chest emerges, revealing the coveted Hylian Shield. Boasting an impressive defensive capacity of 90 points, it’s the game’s best shield to date. However, be prepared for the financial commitment as purchasing it again from Cece’s shop in Hateno Village will set you back 3000 Rupees each time.

1 Hestu’s Gift

It’s… Certainly A Unique Gift

Tears Of The Kingdom: Rare Items That Are Easy To Miss

In the intricately crafted world of “Tears of the Kingdom,” locating every last Korok seed might prove to be a time-consuming endeavor. The game presents challenges that test players’ abilities to bring back together the dispersed Koroks. Yet, once you’ve gathered all 1000 seeds hidden across Hyrule, you will receive an invitation from Hestu in Korok Forest for a rendezvous near the majestic Great Deku Tree.

Despite the unassuming appearance of “Hestu’s Gift,” or Hestu’s reward, it seems familiar to us all. The item appears to be devoid of any useful function as having it in one’s inventory does not seem to accomplish anything tangible. However, the intangible benefit of being able to witness Hestu’s dance performances at will is immeasurably valuable and delightful, making this seemingly insignificant and even slightly off-putting reward a true treasure.

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2024-07-14 11:04