How To Beat Furnace Golem in Shadow of the Erdtree (Boss Guide & Tips)

How To Beat Furnace Golem in Shadow of the Erdtree (Boss Guide & Tips)

As a seasoned Tarnished traveler, I can confidently say that the Furnace Golems of Shadow of the Erdtree are no laughing matter. These fiery titans are not just towering obstacles to be overcome; they are formidable adversaries that demand both strategy and resilience.

Among the most intriguing enigmas within the world of Shadow of the Erdtree, since the DLC was unveiled, is the Furnace Golem. Standing towering and colossal, like a Fire Giant, these Furnace Golems are a common sight in the Realm of Shadow. With their blazing baskets illuminating vast expanses from afar, they’re challenging to overlook.

Starting out, these bosses are quite tough to defeat, so it’s best not to rush into fighting the Furnace Golem in the Gravesite Plain without proper preparation or experience. Level up and acquire Scadutree Blessings first. Once you’ve obtained new weapons, crafting recipes, and boosted your power in the Realm of Shadow, tackling Furnace Golems becomes less intimidating.

What Are Furnace Golems?

How To Beat Furnace Golem in Shadow of the Erdtree (Boss Guide & Tips)

In the game “Shadow of the Erdtree,” you’ll encounter colossal, fire-filled figures resembling the Wicker Man, which roam different open-world areas. These constructs, known as Furnace Golems, are scattered throughout the DLC. Interestingly, you’ll come across your first one nearly immediately upon entering the Shadow Realm.

There are at least two varieties of Furnace Golems: one has rope-wrapped legs that allow for easy attacks, weakening its poise and making it susceptible to a Critical Hit after stumbling. The other type is equipped with spiked armor on its feet, rendering them invulnerable to attacks. Instead, you can target its face or basket to deal damage effectively.

The Furnace Visage’s description suggests that it is a crafting material obtained after defeating Furnace Golems. This artifact symbolizes the Fire Deity from the legends of the horned ones, as depicted on the basket.

In the mysterious world of Elden Ring, it seems that the Furnace Golems were employed by Messmer’s army to cremate the corpses of the Hornsent and adversaries of the Erdtree in large numbers, based on this item description and surrounding details.

In the realm of Elden Ring, I’ve often encountered the ancient adversary known as the Fire Giant. Wielding its likeness against my enemies can strike terror, even before they lay eyes on the spectacle of a colossal, fiery figure charging towards them.

All Furnace Golem Locations in Elden Ring

Furnace Golem Location Golem Type Rewards
Gravesite Plain North of the Scorched Ruins
  • Normal Furnace Golem
  • Deflecting Hardtear
  • Furnace Visage
Gravesite Plain Past the Ellac River Downstream
  • Normal Furnace Golem
  • Viridian Hidden Tear
  • Furnace Visage
Scadu Altus In the camp South of Shadow Keep
  • Normal Furnace Golem
  • Crimsonburst Dried Tear
  • Furnace Visage
Scadu Altus In the Castle Watering Hole
  • Normal Furnace Golem
  • Oil-Soaked Tear
  • Furnace Visage
Scadu Altus Ruins of Unte
  • Puzzle Furnace Golem
  • Hefty Furnace Pot Required
  • Bloodsucking Cracked Tear
  • Furnace Visage
Scadu Altus Near the Cathedral of Manus Metyr
  • Armored Furnace Golem
  • Hefty Furnace Pot Required
  • Cerulean-Sapping Cracked Tear
  • Furnace Visage
Ancient Ruins of Rauh Across bridge from Rauh Ancient Ruins, East
  • Normal Furnace Golem
  • Crimson-Sapping Cracked Tear
  • Furnace Visage
Charo’s Hidden Grave Western edge of region
  • Armored Furnace Golem
  • Hefty Furnace Pot Required
  • Glovewart Crystal Tear
  • Furnace Visage

Furnace Golem Boss Walkthrough

Weaknesses, Strategies, Moveset, & More

How To Beat Furnace Golem in Shadow of the Erdtree (Boss Guide & Tips)

Furnace Golem Weaknesses

  • Furnace Golems deal a ridiculous amount of damage in an enormous area, but because you can ride Torrent, the majority of their attacks can be dodged just by jumping over them or sprinting behind the boss.
  • Because of its immense HP bar and high status resistances, it’s not a good idea to bring in Status Effect-based builds like Bleed, Poison, Frost, or otherwise.
  • Dealing damage to the Furnace Golem’s face deals much more damage, and much more Poise damage, than attacking the legs. Take advantage of this with spells or ranged weapons, like the new Smithscript weapons.
  • Furnace Golems with braces around their legs can only be taken down with the use of Hefty Pots or damage directly to its face plate. Do not try to take these armored Furnace Golems without either Ranged abilities or these Hefty Pots.

Furnace Golem Moveset & Counters

Move Description How To Counter
Magma Stomp The boss raises one foot, then slams it down to create a huge field of fire in the close-range AoE area Jump over the initial slam to avoid all damage. The lingering fire effect won’t do anything as long as you avoid the initial stomp.
Explosive Swipe The Furnace Golem swipes forward, creating a field of explosive fire and dealing immense damage to anything it hits While riding Torrent, quickly sprint behind its legs when it rears up with one arm to swipe down. You take no damage behind the boss, and will have several seconds to attack its legs.
Magma Burst The boss blasts the nearby area with a volcanic explosion, spraying magma in the nearby vicinity Don’t stand near the boss when it it about to charge up and release the volcanic explosion skyward. Then, turn your camera up and make sure to avoid any incoming fiery projectiles that come down. It doesn’t last too long.
Explosive Slam The Furnace Golem jumps up, hangs in the air for a moment, then slams down to create an enormous field of explosive flames in an absolutely enormous area Just like the Stomp attacks, just jump over the slam to avoid all damage. However, if you are too close to the boss, you may get one-shot by the explosion that goes off in its immediate vicinity. Stay at medium to long range if it jumps up.
Flame Jet Will fire huge plumes of fire from its hands, or bend over and blast forward from its Basket, dealing massive damage in the areas it covers Ride away from the hands, or to the side to avoid the Basket blast, and if you are close enough to not get hit by the fire, try to get behind the boss for a few seconds’ attack time.

Strategies To Beat Furnace Golem

General Furnace Golem Boss Tips

  • Hefty Fire Pots and Hefty Furnace Pots deal an absolutely enormous amount of damage to Furnace Golems when thrown into their burning body basket. You can’t do this for every Furnace Golem, but Furnace Golems on a lower ledge can be utterly devastated with enough of these.
    • If you can knock down the Furnace Golem, too, it will lie on its side and you can throw a Hefty Furnace Pot into the basket to trigger this special interaction, too.
  • Do not worry about getting lots of attacks in quickly to kill the boss fast. It will take a few minutes to slowly whittle down its HP, get critical hits from staggering it, and keenly avoid its ridiculously powerful explosive blast attacks.
  • Stay on Torrent the entire time, and charge up your Heavy attack in your main hand weapon to deal more damage and Poise damage to the boss’ legs, if you are going that route.
  • When going up against an Armored Furnace Golem melee builds will have a much tougher time. Craft some Hefty Furnace Pots and bait out its Basket fire blast attack, to have a few seconds to hurl one directly into its heart.

Struggling with a boss in Elden Ring? Don’t despair! Take some time to venture into other parts of the game and grow stronger, then come back later for another attempt. This approach tends to be the best way to conquer any boss in Elden Ring.

Melee Furnace Golem Strategies

  • The Furnace Golems that do not have spiked armor on their legs can be knocked down with enough heavy attacks.
  • Use a high-Poise weapon (like the Ruined Forge Lava Intake hammer) to break its legs and crack its face open with a Critical Hit when it falls to the ground. It appears that the best way to stun the boss and knock down a Furnace Golem is to break its Poise on each leg as fast as possible, one after the other.
  • Do not take on the Furnace Golem on foot, or with fast or status-effect generating weapons. Stay on Torrent no matter what and use a big, heavy weapon.
  • Be prepared to re-summon Torrent with a charge of your Flask of Crimson Tears a few times over this fight.

Spellcaster Furnace Golem Strategies

  • Use long-range spells like Comet and the like to deal damage directly to the Furnace Golem’s face as often as possible. You will deal much more damage and knock it down much faster than hitting its legs with spells. This is effective against both types of Furnace Golems.
  • Because of the boss’ dual hitboxes, and enormous hitboxes at that, you can use spells like Black Flame Ritual to deal a huge burst of damage. The problem is, this spell takes a long time to charge up and cast, and you may not have time to dodge an incoming explosive blast. You can also use spells like Shard Spiral to deal damage to both hitboxes as it travels forward.
  • Focus on dodging the ranged AoE explosive blasts and especially its swipe attacks. As you will be targeting the face more than the legs, you will be more likely to get hit by some of these cleave moves at a distance.

Furnace Golem Boss Rewards

How To Beat Furnace Golem in Shadow of the Erdtree (Boss Guide & Tips)

As an ardent enthusiast, I can’t help but share this intriguing tidbit about the Furnace Golems in Shadow of the Erdtree. Each one of these formidable foes drops a pair of unique items: a Furnace Visage and a Crystal Tear, which is an exclusive item for the Elden Ring DLC. The Furnace Visage, a valuable crafting material, turns out to be more than just a name; it’s the metallic faceplate of those towering, inferno-breathing titans when you take a closer look at it in your inventory.

In the game “Shadow of the Erdtree,” you’ll encounter several hidden and secluded spots where new Crystal Tears can be discovered. These tears are also dropped by Furnace Golems, one from each. The tears obtained from these golems may differ significantly but often grant unique combat experiences in “Elden Ring” as they infuse your Physick Flask with fresh abilities.

By conquering the Furnace Golem in the central area of Gravesite Plain, you’ll obtain the Deflecting Hardtear. This Crystal Tear gives your character the Spontaneous Guard ability for three minutes after consumption. The Spontaneous Guard mechanism completely nullifies any damage and empowers a stronger counterattack when you perfectly block an incoming attack, much like the combat system in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

In the DLC, taking on Furnace Golems is a smart move because they often yield Crystal Tears. This makes it beneficial to learn strategies for defeating them. Collecting and experimenting with the various buffs from these drops can be quite intriguing!

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2024-07-31 13:24