Best Flasks In Dungeonborne

Best Flasks In Dungeonborne


  • Flasks in Dungeonborne are versatile tools, offering unique effects like shielding, smoke screens, and stone barriers.
  • Different flasks cater to different playstyles, with some being great for escaping danger and others for trapping enemies.
  • Thunderclap flasks are essential for PvP encounters, slowing down opponents and setting them up for devastating attacks.

As someone who’s spent countless hours battling my way through the treacherous landscapes of Dungeonborne, I can attest to the sheer power and versatility that these flasks possess. They are not mere containers filled with liquid, but rather, weapons of mass destruction in a bottle!

In the assortment of items within the game Dungeonborne, flasks stand out as particularly valuable, contributing significantly in both Player vs Player (PvP) and Player vs Environment (PvE) situations. They’re cost-effective to produce, straightforward to employ, and perhaps most notably, they offer a unique and engaging gameplay aspect.

In the game Dungeonborne, flasks serve multiple purposes, ranging from hindering opponents’ movements to inflicting area-wide damage through fire bombs. These useful items can be employed in numerous scenarios. While there are several flask types available, some stand out as more effective than others.

5 Flask Of Shielding

Provides An Additional Chunk Of Health

Best Flasks In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Good Mitigation
  • Cons: Slow charging time
  • Effect duration: 25 seconds or until destroyed

The Flask of Shielding is great in theory, providing an extra chunk (250 points) of “health” that will block the damage a character receives before starting to deplete their actual HP. In theory, it would be the best effect to have active before engaging an enemy, but sadly, it takes more than 3.2 seconds to take effect since it needs to be channeled like the Bandage consumable. This puts an unnecessary burden on the players, and the effects even dissipate with time.

In the game Dungeonborne, flasks are items that can be thrown and consumed, with a primary function requiring players to break them as fast as possible. Despite the Flask of Shielding having a powerful effect, it’s often seen as less desirable compared to other options because of its lower overall utility.

4 Smokescreen Flask

Creates A Cloud Of Smoke That Players Can Use To Escape Danger

Best Flasks In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Good for disengaging
  • Cons: Can be countered
  • Effect duration: 8 seconds

When it’s time for covert operations, the Rogue class truly shines, handling both the deceptive and protective aspects. However, if players are aiming for a swift getaway or wish to conceal their actions from bothersome ranged opponents, they should opt for the Smokescreen Flask instead. This throwable item immediately generates a cloud of thick smoke within a 5-foot radius, providing cover for escaping players, opening chests, initiating portal activations for extraction, or giving Elven classes time to activate their stealth passive.

If you prefer to steer clear of Player versus Player combat when you don’t feel fully prepared, keep in mind that seasoned gamers, particularly those who play Death Knights and Fighters, can pierce the deception by swiftly deploying Area of Effect abilities like Whirlwind or Soul Shroud. Although it’s a tactic with specific applications, the Smokescreen Flask remains a valuable asset, especially for players who know how to make the most of it. It also earns extra praise for its large Area of Effect. In simpler terms, the Smokescreen Flask is a useful tool, even for advanced players who can see through the smoke and counter your moves with powerful AoE abilities.

3 Stoneshaping Flask

Creates A Wall Of Spikes That Can Be Used To Trap, Divide, And Conquer Enemies

Best Flasks In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Versatility
  • Cons: Can be destroyed
  • Effect duration: 10 seconds or until destroyed

The Stone Shaping Flask might become an overpowering PvP aspect in the game, except for one significant issue: the length of its impact. When hurled against a surface, it generates a wall of sharp stone spikes that function as a barrier. For this wall to completely crumble, every piece of it must be destroyed. In confined areas, this can lead to the demise of vanguard players because rogues utilizing the Stone Shaping Flask can strategically divide and conquer an unprepared team.

In Dungeonborne, any player can master this technique by standing between the advance guard and the ranged combatants or healers, followed by hurling the flask and thus disrupting melee classes from their backline support. The flask has multiple applications; it can generate instant protection from spells and ranged attacks, enabling players to establish a secure area where they can open portals, obstruct entrances, halt other players’ advances, and even trap powerful monsters within an Area of Effect (AoE). This tool is undeniably one of the most valuable assets in Dungeonborne.

2 Thunderclap Flasks

Unleashes An AoE Effect That Can Slow Enemies Down

Best Flasks In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Great CC and cannot be blocked
  • Cons: Predictable, and some classes can become immune to its effect
  • Effect duration: 5 Seconds

“Daily Battles Define ‘Thunderclap Arena'”

By blending powerful strikes or the shattered Whirlwind skill from the Fighter with this potion, you can deal a devastating blow, and those attempting to evade this lethal duo are left with few, if any, evasion methods. However, players utilizing Cryomancer, the lone class capable of invincibility, or a shapeshifted Druid equipped with Shadow Assault to leap ahead and terminate crowd control, have a chance to dodge it. The remaining classes are essentially defenseless, and if they endure more than one Thunderclap Flask’s impact from fellow players, or even worse, the Storm Rage Set Bonus enhanced attack, they are doomed.

1 Incendiary Flask

Dungeonborne’s Version Of The Molotov

Best Flasks In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Area Damage, applies DoT, Cannot be blocked
  • Cons: Short duration
  • Effect duration: 2.5 seconds

In the challenging situations of the game Dungeonborne, players often find themselves surrounded by swarms of enemies crammed into tight areas, just waiting to be obliterated by a strategically placed Area of Effect (AoE) attack. For such scenarios, the Incendiary Flask is definitely the solution you’re looking for. When facing the pesky Cryomancers and their Ice Barrier ability, throwing an Incendiary Flask at the ice barrier is the ideal move. It won’t dissolve the ice, but it will inflict significant damage once they break out of it.

In scenarios where players find themselves under heavy enemy assault, they can opt for the Incendiary Flask, which generates a destructive pool of flame lasting multiple seconds. This brief respite allows them to retreat from their aggressors. Notably, this flask is highly effective in both PvE and PvP situations within the game Dungeonborne. Being elemental fire damage items, they scale with bonuses that favor elemental or fire damage enhancements. Additionally, these flasks are a wise selection for melee/vanguard classes due to their limited options for inflicting elemental damage.

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2024-08-08 15:54