Cyberpunk 2077 Is Ripe for Another Anime (and Not an Edgerunners Sequel)

Cyberpunk 2077 Is Ripe for Another Anime (and Not an Edgerunners Sequel)


  • Cyberpunk 2077 faced ups and downs, but Edgerunners anime revived its reputation and interest through a solid conclusion and engaging storyline.
  • The world of Cyberpunk 2077 has rich lore yet to be explored, suggesting potential for more stories beyond the game and existing anime.
  • Anime is the ideal platform to expand on Cyberpunk 2077 due to its ability to accurately reflect the game’s distinct style and limitless imaginative possibilities.

As a seasoned gamer and anime enthusiast with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the idea of expanding the world of Cyberpunk 2077 through anime is nothing short of brilliant! The intricate lore, vibrant characters, and immersive setting of Night City are a goldmine for any creative mind, and an anime adaptation would allow these elements to truly shine.

In December 2020, Cyberpunk 2077, a game renowned for its vast lore-rich world, saw both acclaim and controversy in the years that followed. The game, developed by CD Project RED, who are well-known for creating the popular Witcher series, was eagerly awaited by many. However, upon release, it came with numerous glitches and issues, severe enough to temporarily pull it from the PlayStation store.

Following the introduction of its sole DLC, “Phantom Liberty,” Cyberpunk 2077 has managed to recover a significant portion of the esteem it once lost four years ago. The game’s recent iterations have seen a substantial reduction in glitches, making it more appealing to players. However, it wasn’t the improvements within the game that rekindled interest; instead, an anime series inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 played a crucial role. In September 2022, Netflix premiered “Cyberpunk: Edgerunners,” an anime set in the world of Cyberpunk 2077, and its immense popularity directly contributed to renewed interest in the video game. Yet, one might wonder, is “Edgerunners” the final chapter for Cyberpunk 2077’s anime ventures?

Edgerunners Had a Great Ending

Don’t Ruin That Just for Views

Cyberpunk 2077 Is Ripe for Another Anime (and Not an Edgerunners Sequel)

One common criticism leveled at many TV series is their tendency to prolong the narrative beyond necessity, especially when popularity is involved – we’re looking at you, The Walking Dead. Even when a plot seems to have run its course naturally, if viewer interest persists, the creative team might produce more seasons simply because they can continue earning revenue from it. This often results in series that begin strongly but end unsatisfactorily or lose fans with each additional, seemingly unnecessary season. It’s worth considering when a story reaches a satisfying resolution to allow it to conclude there.

In a straightforward and engaging manner: The anime series, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, wrapped up quite effectively. Spanning an extended timeline, it delved deeply into the lives of its main characters. The relationship between David and Lucy developed significantly, maturing from adolescence to adulthood, and all the series’ conflicts were successfully resolved. Without giving away the ending for those yet to watch, suffice it to say that it did indeed conclude. If there were to be a sequel featuring the same characters, it could potentially lessen the impact of the final episode’s emotional intensity.

Creating a direct follow-up to the “Edgerunners” series solely for the sake of views would strip away the emotional depth and impact that the original show possessed. While there’s certainly room for further character development in other characters, and the setting offers numerous possibilities, it might be wiser to explore a new anime based on Cyberpunk 2077 instead. This fresh take wouldn’t have to be a sequel to “Edgerunners,” as its existing IMDB rating of 8.3/10 suggests that it stands strong on its own, and maintaining this reputation is essential.

Cyberpunk 2077 Has a Whole World Rich in Lore

And So Little Has Been Explored

Cyberpunk 2077 Is Ripe for Another Anime (and Not an Edgerunners Sequel)

Without a doubt, there’s still a lot of tales to be unfolded in the expansive universe of Cyberpunk 2077. The game offers a vast world brimming with side missions and hidden gems for players to uncover. From vibrant characters to enigmatic back alleys, distinctive districts, and colossal structures, each corner hides its own story waiting to be unearthed. The in-game manual, or codex, is extensive, delving into the game’s rich lore, much of which remains undiscovered unless players are prepared to delve deep into it. There’s certainly a wealth of stories yet to be shared.

In its core form, the storyline presented in Cyberpunk 2077 isn’t entirely an original concept from CD Projekt Red. Instead, it stemmed from a tabletop role-playing game called Cyberpunk, serving as the foundation. The game’s narrative leaves ample space for additional tales, characters, and experiences to be developed, thanks to the rich lore available from its source material. This opens up possibilities for fresh stories, characters, and adventures to be created.

Since the upcoming DLC for the game, titled “Phantom Liberty,” will be the sole additional content for Cyberpunk 2077, it’s unlikely that the game world will see any more stories unfold within the game itself. Although there is a novel based on the game and an anime series called Cyberpunk Edgerunners, there is potential for more storytelling. A sequel to the original game, known as “Project Orion,” was hinted at in 2022, but no further information about it has been revealed yet. Given this, an anime format seems ideal for delivering more Cyberpunk 2077 content to fans.

Anime Can Do What Live-Action Cannot

Cyberpunk Needs to Not Be Held Back

Cyberpunk 2077 Is Ripe for Another Anime (and Not an Edgerunners Sequel)

Instead of creating a live-action film or TV show from the world of Cyberpunk 2077, which would be difficult due to its complex elements requiring heavy use of technology, green screens, and prosthetics, animation (specifically anime) seems like the ideal medium to delve deeper into this universe. Anime offers artists more freedom in designing characters and settings without being constrained by practical limitations, allowing for a more imaginative and visually striking interpretation of the world.

1. It would be fitting for additional anime productions to align with the established lore from Cyberpunk 2077. The sceneries and settings can mirror those from the game, as they will be drawn. Characters could possess all the cybernetic enhancements that make the game’s aesthetic unique. Artists have the freedom to design characters with any hairstyle or color they desire, and can fashion them in extravagant, futuristic attire, some of which may not be practical in reality. The possibilities are endless when it comes to flying vehicles, sentient vending machines, outlandish weaponry, and defying physical laws, all limited only by the artists’ creativity.

It would be fantastic to have a fresh anime series (or even two) based in the universe of Cyberpunk 2077, delving into an entirely new narrative. This could expand upon the game’s lore by focusing more deeply on a familiar character or gang, or it could introduce a completely new tale akin to “Edgerunners.” The anime should remain faithful to the original source material, ensuring that fans of the game are both satisfied and intrigued, as we await the sequel to the game. Moreover, since it’s been two years since “Edgerunners” was premiered, there won’t be any complaints about an oversaturation of Cyberpunk 2077 content in the market.

In the meantime, you can watch Cyberpunk: Edgerunners on Netflix.

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2024-08-19 20:04