How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

As a seasoned strategist with years spent navigating the tumultuous world of Westeros, I must say that the prospect of battling dragons is indeed a daunting one. Yet, fear not, for there are methods to slay these fiery beasts in Crusader Kings 3: AGOT.

In the Crusader Kings 3 version of ‘Game of Thrones’, players often prefer domesticating and riding the dragons featured in CK3 AGOT, rather than killing them. However, if a player chooses to play as a House that doesn’t ride dragons, they will soon discover it’s wise to understand how to eliminate them, unless they are willing to live under Targaryen rule.

Fortunately, you can find several methods for slaying dragons within CK3 AGOT, but be warned, every method carries the same level of risk and uncertainty. In truth, eliminating a dragon is an arduous task in this mod.

How To Slay Wild Dragons In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

In the game “CK3 AGOT”, wild dragons aren’t owned by any keeper of a Dragonpit. These untamed beasts occasionally venture to different locations but usually stick close to where they originated. If a dragon’s master perishes and it isn’t confined within a Dragonpit, the tame dragon may revert back to its wild state.

To find Wild Dragons, use the Manage Realm Affairs decision and select the Dragon option.

If players are determined to defeat these fierce dragons, they should first try to mark or tag them, allowing their positions to appear on the top-right map. A wild dragon can only be vanquished once it has flown into the player’s territory, establishing a temporary lair there for a limited time.

Gaining Dragonlore Knowledge In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

Before embarking on a dragon-slaying mission in CK3 AGOT, players should aim to gather knowledge about Dragonlore first, as this boosts their chances of victory. To acquire this information, players must seek out locations significant to dragons, with the Citadel being particularly noteworthy.

  • The Citadel
  • The Field of Fire
  • Hill of Rhaenys in King’s Landing
  • Dragonstone
  • Summerhall (If the tragedy has already happened)

The simplest approach would be to schedule a journey to Oldtown and adjust your travel itinerary to encompass these specific spots. When you reach there, a straightforward prompt will appear. It’s essential to remember that Dragonlore plays a vital role in hatching eggs within CK3 AGOT, especially as all dragons have perished.

The Dragonslaying Event In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

When players accumulate sufficient Dragonlore and are notified about a wild dragon in their territory, it’s time for a hunt. To commence this quest, simply right-click on the dragon. This action will provide options, including the possibility of discovering the dragon’s lair, the chance of finding nothing, and the risk of the dragon locating you first.

Try to seek out smaller and weaker dragons who have a lower Combat Effectiveness.

1. If they don’t locate the dragon now, they might want to give it another try after approximately a year, assuming the dragon remains nearby. Once someone discovers the dragon or vice versa, the real action commences.

During the dragon duel tournament, participants face potential injuries, burns, and even death with every move they make. If they manage to endure several rounds, they may eventually be given an opportunity with a small probability of defeating the dragon and winning the battle.

Don’t be afraid to back out at any time! Seeking out a dragon is still great for roleplay in CK3.

A higher Prowess score increases the likelihood of achieving success, but even the most accomplished knights in Westeros history are statistically more likely to meet their end rather than conquer dragons. Additionally, a high Intrigue rating might provide players the chance to lace their weapons with poison, while those with high Learning can try wielding an ancient mirror shield from legend.

Ambushed By A Wild Dragon In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

In the game CK3 AGOT, you could unexpectedly encounter a dragon ambush when venturing near a place where dragons have their lair. This incident occurs similarly to any other peril during travel, and it’s often wise to arrange your journeys so as to avoid territories inhabited by dragons.

If a dragon unexpectedly attacks, players will face a decision: they can either engage in battle or make a run for it. However, even if they opt to escape, there’s still a possibility of meeting an untimely end. Picking a fight with the dragon leads directly to the same dragon combat event as when players deliberately hunt dragons to defeat.

The Dragonslayer Trait In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

Should players successfully vanquish a dragon, they will generously receive the ‘Dragonslayer Title’ and the moniker ‘The Dragonslayer’. They’ll also take possession of the dragon’s skull as a trophy. However, to enjoy the benefits from the skull, it must be exhibited in the Red Keep.

As a dragon-slayer enthusiast, I can’t help but appreciate the Dragonslayer Trait for its numerous benefits. It bestows Prowess and Prestige monthly, boosts Dread Gain, and improves General Opinion. But what truly sets it apart is that it significantly enhances my chances of vanquishing even more dragons in the future!

How To Kill Dragons In War In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

In the game ‘CK3 AGOT’, you don’t necessarily have to send a lone, courageous warrior to slay a dragon for instant fame. Instead, entire armies can engage in war against the dragon. When a dragon is involved in sieges, it becomes more vulnerable due to the increased threat. However, it’s wise to avoid being besieged by a dragon.

In battles, dragons always have a chance of being killed, and in CK3 this essentially comes down to luck. However, by specializing in Anti-Dragon Warfare, a realm’s chances can be increased.

Anti-Dragon Warfare & Scorpions

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

In this new innovation, a society gains the ability to train its Men-at-Arms as Scorpion units, specifically designed for taking down fearsome dragons. Since not all sides possess these colossal fire-breathing creatures, Scorpions become indispensable. Additionally, this innovation enables players to construct Scorpion Fortifications, allowing them to position their Scorpions strategically to inflict maximum damage on the dragons.

The Anti-Dragon Warfare Innovation has been made accessible by all Dornish cultures that haven’t pledged allegiance to the Iron Throne as of the years 82 AC and 106 AC. Other cultures will need to dedicate significant time to uncovering this innovation. In terms of utilizing Scorpions, players should aim to construct numerous ones and ensure they are deployed against a dragon during battle.

Dragon Vs Dragon Duels In CK3 AGOT

How To Slay A Dragon In CK3 AGOT

For individuals fortunate enough to be Dragonriders, an alternative method of combating dragons during conflict is to soar into battle, aiming for a aerial confrontation. It’s crucial that these players are part of the specific army and ensure that they haven’t prevented their dragon from participating in war.

When I’m squaring off against dragons on opposite teams, there’s a slim chance an ‘Enemy Dragonrider Appeared’ event might pop up. At this point, I have the option to either retreat or stand my ground and engage in combat. There’s also a moment called Sky Ambush where the enemy dragon rider spots me before I even see them.

If players try to escape, the enemy dragon and its rider could pursue them, leading to a potential confrontation or battle.

In this game, the dueling system operates much like traditional duels in Crusader Kings 3, where players select options that can influence their likelihood of winning. These choices are often influenced by a rider’s personality traits, but ultimately, the outcome depends on the combat effectiveness of the dragons and their individual personalities.

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2024-08-29 15:25