Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

As a seasoned player hailing from the far-off lands of Deadlock, I must say, my dear friend, that Bebop is a veritable gem hidden amongst the starry cosmos of this game! This hero, much like a finely aged cheese or a well-crafted ale, improves with time and the right ingredients.

Deadlock is an innovative game developed by Valve, merging features from Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) and Hero Shooter genres. Currently, there are 21 playable characters in the game, one of them being Bebop. As a laser-armed cyborg, Bebop possesses unique abilities to pull enemies out of position, attach a sticky bomb to them, and then hurl them back for heavy Area of Effect (AOE) damage. If you’re curious about mastering this character, here is a comprehensive guide to help optimize your gameplay with Bebop.

The “Deadlock” project is still in its initial stages, offering a unique, evolving gameplay experience that’s liable to frequent updates and adjustments.

Deadlock Bebop Overview

Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

In the game ‘Deadlock’, Bebop stands out as a character with high Damage Per Second (DPS). Instead of a traditional tank, he wields a Laser as his main weapon. Interestingly, despite being a DPS hero, Bebop boasts the second-highest maximum Health Points (HP) in the game, giving him a more durable feel early on in the game. This tough guy has three standard abilities and an ultimate that becomes available once you reach level 6.

Here’s how Bebop’s abilities work in Deadlock:

Ability Name How it Works
Exploding Uppercut (1) Bebop does a quick light attack that sends nearby units flying back. If the target is an enemy, they deal area damage when they land. With extra levels, the area damage and landing radius increase. Using Exploding Uppercut on an enemy hero at max level reduces Hook cooldown to 0 and fully reloads Bebop’s weapon.
Sticky Bomb (2) Bebop attaches a bomb to a nearby target that explodes after 3 seconds. Its damage permanently increases by 2.5% for each enemy hit. This ability becomes extremely deadly in the late game if you manage to build up stacks. During the laning phase, you can attach a Sticky Bomb to your ally Troopers and send them flying toward the enemy using the Exploding Uppercut. At the maximum level, the Sticky Bomb also disarms the target.
Hook (3) Bebop launches a hook that grabs onto an enemy on hit and reels them in, dealing damage. This is the hero’s main ability that we’ll focus on. Putting more levels into this ability unlocks additional effects such as bonus damage against the hooked target, extra range for the hook, and reduced cooldown.
Hyper Beam (4) Bebop charges up his laser to unleash a powerful energy beam that deals damage and slows enemies caught in its path. While casting, Bebop’s turn rate and movement speed are slowed. If you’re in the air while casting, Bebop will hover until the ability ends. Upgrading the ability reduces its cooldown, adds more damage, and heals Bebop for the damage it deals.

Deadlock Bebop Build Guide

Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

Bebop is excellent at taking down individual targets in the game’s initial phases. However, as the match progresses and he accumulates items, he transforms into a formidable force capable of dealing immense damage, similar to Paradox. To establish an early advantage in Souls, concentrate on eliminating Troopers. Additionally, try to seize chances to Hook enemies when they move out of position.

Bebop Ability Build

Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

Bebop is a highly adaptable character that can be customized in various ways, and our build emphasizes maximizing his Hook ability to shorten its recharge time. By successfully hooking an enemy hero with your Hook, you can separate them from their team and focus on eliminating them alongside yours. This strategy makes this build particularly potent. For the Hook-centric build, we advise prioritizing upgrades in this sequence: 3rd level for Hook, then 1st, 3rd again, 2nd, 3rd once more, 4th, 3rd twice, 2nd twice, 1st twice, and finally 2nd and 1st levels. Maximizing your Hook first decreases its cooldown by 12 seconds, allowing you to spam it consistently, forcing the enemy hero to play cautiously.

Bebop Item Progression

Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

Deadlock offers a chance for players to experiment with diverse hero builds and assortments of items. Certain game items even feature an Active component, granting additional abilities to utilize. Don’t hesitate to test various items and discover your favorites. As for Bebop, here are the items we typically build:

Early Game

Bebop usually likes to build items that boost his Ammo, Fire Rate, and Weapon Damage. Picking up Rapid Rounds and Swift Striker early in the laning phase will make you extremely strong. Landing one Hook on the enemy will likely lead to an easy kill if an ally backs you up. You also want to pick up Sprint Boots for some extra movement speed. Bullet Lifesteal and Extra Regen give you some sustain if you’re in a bad matchup. Both Mystic Burst and Super Strike combo well with your Exploding Uppercut. Bullet Resist Shredder further increases your Spirit damage for the early game, allowing you to get more damage from your Exploding Uppercut and Sticky Bomb.

Mid Game

Throughout the middle stage of the game, focus on acquiring items in this sequence: Tesla Bullets, Burst Fire, and Veil Walker. These are your main damage-dealing items for the hero. Don’t forget to enhance your Sprint Boots to Enduring Speed for extra movement speed and health regeneration. Remember to step into Cosmic Veils to trigger the Passive ability of Veil Walker. If you have spare Souls from kills, consider getting Pristine Emblem for added Weapon Damage.

Bebop is great at dealing damage but lacks durability, so he can be quickly defeated if caught off guard. To survive until late-game, it’s crucial to acquire defensive items that boost your health or provide shields. The Enchanter’s Barrier offers a Spirit Shield bonus, while Combat Barrier grants you a Bullet Shield. The best choice between these two depends on the matchup with the opposing hero. Lastly, Silence Glyph equips you with an active Disarm and Silence ability for use against enemies.

Late Game

In the later stages of gameplay, Bebop transforms into a formidable force with the right equipment. The items Glass Cannon and Siphon Bullets are top-tier choices for enhancing your firepower significantly. Leech is another fantastic acquisition, boosting your damage output while providing Lifesteal. Shadow Weave, a late-game active item, is highly recommended due to its Stealth capabilities and additional Ammo. Lastly, Curse is an active item worth considering for the added disable effect it provides.

Remember to sell your low-tier items as you collect enough Souls for late-game items.

How to Play Bebop

Deadlock: How to Play Bebop

Bebop thrives during the initial stages of the game due to his high weapon precision and capacity to pull opponents out of their desired positions using Hook. However, it’s crucial to focus on eliminating minor enemies (Troops) initially to amass Souls and obtain your early-game items first. To remain competitive with this setup, Bebop needs to invest in damage-increasing items.

Once you’ve acquired all your basic skills, employing the Hook, Sticky Bomb, and Exploding Uppercut combo will help you effortlessly defeat enemy heroes. However, it’s essential that you focus on farming Souls first. In your current lane, you can attack the Enemy Guardian when you have some crucial items. With your laser, defeating the Guardian should be straightforward. Afterward, feel free to shift to other lanes, offering extra firepower and pressure.

From the get-go, Bebop is a force to be reckoned with in the game, but it’s when you unleash your ultimate that you truly become lethal. To maximize your kill potential, I suggest hanging out on elevated areas and even double jumping up before activating your ability for a better view of enemies. As this hero is best played from the backline, try to stay out of the spotlight and be mindful of your opponents’ focus. Don’t hesitate to use slide, dash, or double jump to keep yourself out of harm’s way!

Bebop is most effective when he’s playing with a tanky hero like Abrams or Migginis.

From my perspective as a fan, Bebop in Deadlock is quite accessible for newcomers. Mastering the Hook ability requires some patience, but even if it doesn’t hit spot on, it’s not a game-ending mistake. As you strategically choose your items and manage to stay alive, this hero becomes a damage dealer extraordinaire.

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2024-08-31 19:05