5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

As a seasoned RPG enthusiast with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that I’ve seen my fair share of unique and sometimes quirky mechanics in the Final Fantasy series. However, some of these innovations have left me scratching my head more than others. The Junction System in Final Fantasy 8, for instance, felt like a tedious chore that took away from the enjoyment of the game.

The “Final Fantasy” series, renowned as one of the best Japanese Role-Playing Game (JRPG) franchises ever created, continues to captivate fans with its enduring allure. The Pixel Remasters served as a gateway for a fresh crop of enthusiasts to explore these timeless games. Over the years, there have been numerous spin-offs, remakes, and mainline installments that solidify “Final Fantasy” as a highly influential modern JRPG series, consistently attempting to cater to diverse audiences and innovate its gameplay mechanics.

Fans adore the innovative, experimental aspects of “Final Fantasy,” which have revolutionized the JRPG genre. Yet, on certain occasions, the changes in gameplay within “Final Fantasy” haven’t resonated with all fans, sparking intense discussions about the merit and efficiency of these systems.

5 Increasing Stats Based On Actions Taken In Battle

Encouraged Players To Exploit The System

5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

The initial installment of the “Final Fantasy” series was an immense hit, prompting Square to explore further opportunities for a sequel that would offer something fresh and exciting. Although the narrative-centric approach became characteristic of future “Final Fantasy” games, the innovative level-up system drew widespread criticism from fans. While the concept appeared promising – players simply needed to perform specific actions to enhance their effectiveness – flaws in this method quickly emerged.

In the early stages of Final Fantasy 2, the meager Magic Points (MP) pool made enhancing magical abilities a laborious process. Exploits that boosted a character’s Hit Points (HP) using self-attacks were far too powerful to disregard, and the ambiguity surrounding this system could result in a monotonous and repetitive party if players didn’t carefully develop their characters from the start. As the game advances, the system becomes more manageable, but the initial stages are challenging, explaining why many players abandon the game before the narrative has a chance to unfold.

4 Turning Jobs And Status Effects Into Solutions For Puzzles

Certainly Innovative, Yet Somewhat Frustrating

5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

In the game known as Final Fantasy 3, several recurring elements were first introduced, with the Job System and Summons standing out as two key features that make this installment distinct. While fans admired the game’s emphasis on traditional JRPG gameplay, there are numerous problematic aspects in the implementation of some of its so-called puzzles, which can lead to a frustrating experience.

At the start of my gaming adventure, I stumbled upon an area on the map where shrinking down was necessary to squeeze through a tiny opening. On paper, this sounds intriguing, but in practice, it leads to infuriating instances where you’re thrust into a random encounter that you can’t seem to escape from. If things go south, and they often do, the entire party could be wiped out in the next turn.

3 The Junction System

Grinding To Draw A 100 Spells Is A Chore

5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

Many conversations have circulated regarding the Junction System in Final Fantasy 8. Many gamers understand that the tedious aspect of acquiring 100 instances of each Spell to fully upgrade a player’s stats can be quite laborious. To add to the challenge, this system actually discourages players from utilizing Junctioned magic, as it negatively impacts gameplay when spells are cast. Essentially, players are often dissuaded from using magic in the game due to the way the Junction System operates.

In essence, all these points hold true, yet it’s not compulsory for gamers to engage in this relentless grinding when playing Final Fantasy 8. This game can be breezed through easily, so players who choose to sidestep the grind won’t miss much in terms of optimized stats. However, it doesn’t change the fact that the Junction System is poorly designed, and if players opt for grinding, they can essentially make the game a walkover, which highlights the system’s flaws.

2 Acquiring Passive And Active Abilities With Equipment

Wearing Outdated Equipment To Grind Out Stats Isn’t All That Engaging

5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

As a dedicated fan, I must admit that while Final Fantasy 9 hits many marks perfectly, there’s one aspect that leaves me scratching my head – the way abilities are acquired. It’s a straightforward system where players accumulate AP and permanently learn specific skills based on the equipment they don characters wear. But here’s the catch: this system only becomes problematic when players find themselves struggling to earn AP or, conversely, amassing too much of it.

It can be quite frustrating when you come across a potent tool, yet discover that the character’s armor or weapon doesn’t have enough AP for all the skills to become permanent. Conversely, a new weapon or armor might appear insignificant to players if they’ve already mastered the skill it offers, leading them to persist with lesser equipment that still has skills to impart. Skipping certain skills isn’t very rewarding and having to restart progress with something new isn’t particularly satisfying either.

1 Command Synergy Battle

Took Away A Lot Of Control From Players

5 Most Divisive Mechanics In Final Fantasy Games

As a dedicated gamer, I can’t help but feel let down by Final Fantasy 13. Even though the series is renowned for its iconic status despite a few flaws in design, this game unfortunately misses the mark on both counts. The storyline often feels like a confusing lore dump, and at its worst moments, it’s a complete mess. The gameplay, with its Command Synergy Battle system, is supposed to be the game’s selling point. However, it ends up being overly complex and underwhelming, leaving many of us craving for something more engaging.

In Final Fantasy 13, while certain enthusiasts appreciated the concept of issuing commands and dynamically altering strategies during battles, many found the lack of control in the game challenging to adapt to. Oftentimes, simply repeating Auto-Attack throughout fights was sufficient to ensure victory, giving players a false sense of mastery. However, this comfort zone is swiftly shattered when one encounters the game’s formidable bosses, who force players to become adept at managing and switching Paradigms. Failure to do so can lead to defeat.

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2024-09-02 01:35