Best Mutations In The Witcher 3

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3

When using the Piercing Cold mutation, Aard has a 25% chance of freezing enemies. But pairing it with skills that boost the strength of the sign still take an incredible amount of damage.

The Blood and Wine expansion significantly enhanced The Witcher 3 by introducing new characters, a Skellige Gwent deck, and one of the game’s most stunning locations, Toussaint. However, it wasn’t just the breathtaking scenery that made this expansion stand out. Another remarkable feature was the mutations. These potent new abilities became the cornerstone of every character build in The Witcher 3 from then on, and it’s no surprise that players rush through the DLC until they gain access to these abilities.

In The Witcher 3, a total of 12 unique mutations exist, each offering distinct benefits for the player character, Geralt. However, it’s crucial to note that these mutations are not all equally beneficial. Some are significantly more useful than others. Since players can only use one mutation at a time, understanding which ones are the most effective becomes important, but it’s essential not to feel compelled to pick the best ones available. After all, gameplay can be tailored for fun rather than efficiency, and players should shape Geralt according to their preferences instead of being influenced by others.

Strengthened Synapses

The Enhanced Synapses mutation gains power as Geralt studies his active mutations, making it distinct from others, despite its crucial role. This mutation enables Geralt to wield more abilities, albeit they must all belong to the same category (color) as his current active mutation.

Green Alchemy
Blue Signs
Red Combat

Certain mutations exhibit a blend of hues, enabling a broader spectrum of skills to be acquired. If either Second Life or Metamorphosis is in effect, any skill can be selected.

12 Adrenaline Rush

For 30 Seconds, Combat Damage Increases By 30% For Each Foe, Then Decreases

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat & Signs
Ability Points Required 5
Mutagens Required
  • 3 Greater Blue
  • 2 Greater Red
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked
  • Piercing Cold
  • Bloodbath

From a passionate gamer’s perspective, I find myself grappling with the prolonged wait to unlock Adrenaline Rush. To even get my hands on this sought-after mutation, I need to have Piercing Cold and Bloodbath first. Frankly, some players, including me, question whether it’s a fair trade considering the amount of mutagens and ability points required. If you’re not keen on rushing through every encounter, I’d advise careful consideration before choosing this pricey mutation.

As a devoted player, I’d express this exciting ability as follows: “With each enemy I face, my attack potency and sign intensity surge by an impressive 30%. This means if I’m up against five adversaries, I’ll unleash a staggering 150% more damage! However, this empowerment lasts just 30 seconds. After that brief window, the trade-off is that for every foe I encounter, my damage output decreases by 10%, making it crucial to time my engagements wisely.”

11 Mutated Skin

Damage Decreased By 15% For Every Adrenaline Point Generated

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat & Alchemy
Ability Points Required 5
Mutagens Required
  • 3 Greater Green
  • 2 Greater Red
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Euphoria

With a Mutated Skin, every adrenaline point reduces the damage taken by 15%. In essence, this enhancement boosts the player’s defense by a total of 45%. This makes it one of the top-tier mutations in The Witcher 3, despite the presence of several fundamental skills that players can acquire to enhance their survivability.

It could be argued that players shouldn’t need to rely on their mutation and adrenaline points to survive the toughest fights in the game. While Mutated Skin does make Geralt stronger, it doesn’t offer many other benefits. However, for those who prefer Geralt to withstand most attacks, this mutation will be particularly appealing.

10 Toxic Blood

Damage Attackers After Each Hit They Land, Based On Geralt’s Toxicity

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Alchemy
Ability Points Required 2
Mutagens Required 2 Greater Green

Considering Toxic Blood is one of the cheapest mutations, it’s not that bad. Every time Geralt takes a hit in combat, the attacker will receive 1.5% of damage for every point of toxicity the Witcher has. Therefore, if their toxicity bar is full (before it’s enhanced with skills or certain armor), then the people who strike the player will take 150% damage.

It seems excessive to dish out such harsh penalties merely for being attacked. The issue lies in the fact that players can only utilize these penalties if they endure a beating themselves, and on higher difficulty levels, this can be quite risky.

9 Cat Eyes

Crossbow Bolts Do Extra Damage To Enemies With Full Health & Knock Them Down

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat & Alchemy
Ability Points Required 5
Mutagens Required
  • 3 Greater Green
  • 2 Greater Red
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked
  • Euphoria
  • Bloodbath

Every player knows that unless they’re underwater, the crossbow is pretty useless. However, that changes once Cat Eyes is equipped. The mutation gives a significant increase to the effectiveness of the ranged weapon by boosting its power and critical chance.

With the right manipulation using robust fasteners, one of The Witcher 3’s top mutations can transform a player’s crossbow into a lethal weapon. Although it might not aid in the numerous hand-to-hand battles within the game, other abilities can compensate for this. Yet, due to the restricted use of long-range combat in the game, it’s understandable why some players might overlook prioritizing this specific mutation.

8 Deadly Counter

Trigger Finishers With Counterattacks; 25% Higher Damage Against Monsters

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat
Ability Points Required 2
Mutagens Required 2 Greater Red

This Mutation, known as The Deadly Counter, offers an exciting yet lethal twist. It significantly increases the occurrence of finishers, instigating one when attacking someone whose health drops below 25%.

This enhancement also provides a significant 25% increase in the power of sword strikes against enemies who are immune to counterattacks and all monsters, regardless of their strength. However, these advantages are not quite as remarkable as those provided by the top-tier mutations available.

7 Bloodbath

Each Successive Blow Increases Damage By 5%

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat
Ability Points Required 3
Mutagens Required 3 Greater Red
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Deadly Counter

With the Bloodbath mutation activated, each melee attack increases a player’s attack power by 5%. Reach a critical number of strikes, and players can potentially amplify their damage output by an astounding 250%.

Although this ability appears extremely lethal, it has a significant disadvantage: when a player is struck, the power-up resets. Consequently, achieving maximum damage output is quite uncommon. However, players who master the techniques of evading and counterattacking can cause considerable harm with this mutation.

6 Second Life

Every 180 Seconds, Geralt Can Come Back To Life With Full Vitality

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat, Signs, & Alchemy
Ability Points Required 7
Mutagens Required
  • 3 Greater Red
  • 2 Greater Blue
  • 2 Greater Green
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Adrenaline Rush

In another life, this game serves as a backup, though it does come with a brief 3-minute wait (referred to as a cooldown). Once characters perish, the peculiarities of the game make them invincible for a short while, allowing their health to fully recover and return to 100%.

The effectiveness of this ability hinges on the user. To those who seldom meet their demise, it’s essentially useless. However, for players who find themselves frequently outnumbered by terrifying monsters in ‘The Witcher 3’, this mutation can be a literal game-changer.

5 Magic Sensibilities

Signs Can Deal Critical Hits

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Signs
Ability Points Required 2
Mutagens Required 2 Greater Blue

Despite being one of the cheapest mutations, Magic Sensibilities is up there with the best. It gives players the chance to get a critical hit with their magical signs. The frequency and damage of those criticals improve based on the sign intensity of the player.

Since signs are crucial tools in a Witcher’s inventory, this mutation proves beneficial, especially on tougher game modes. The straightforward and practical nature of this enhancement earns Magic Sensibilities a spot as one of the top The Witcher 3 mutations, ideal for players seeking a streamlined character build without unnecessary complexity.

4 Metamorphosis

Critical Attacks Activate A Random Decoction Without Any Toxicity Cost

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat, Signs, & Alchemy
Ability Points Required 7
Mutagens Required
  • 3 Greater Green
  • 2 Greater Blue
  • 2 Greater Red
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Cat Eyes

Intriguing transformations are known as metamorphoses. When activated, this ability causes a random potion to be triggered each time players unleash a critical effect, without any harmful side effects. This means that multiple high-potency potions can be accumulated and used simultaneously.

In this game, the choice of brewed concoctions consumed by players has an element of randomness, but only among those that have been prepared before. So, as long as players avoid creating unnecessary decoctions (and discard the useless ones), Metamorphosis can prove to be quite beneficial. Additionally, this transformation comes with enhanced night vision, eliminating the need for cat potions or torches in dark areas.

3 Conductors Of Magic

Relic Weapons In Action Increase Sign Intensity By 50%

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Combat & Signs
Ability Points Required 5
Mutagens Required
  • 3 Greater Blue
  • 2 Greater Red
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Piercing Cold

If you’re looking to maximize the power of your signs as a player, Conductors of Magic is an essential item. This artifact boosts your sign damage by adding half of the damage your equipped magical, unique, or Witcher sword deals.

The requirement isn’t too challenging since they’re top-notch in the game. When combined with a high-damage sword, those signs turn out to be remarkably deadly compared to normal standards.

2 Piercing Cold

25% Chance Of The Aard Sign To Freeze Opponents

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Signs
Ability Points Required 3
Mutagens Required 3 Greater Blue
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Magic Sensibilities

With the Piercing Cold mutation activated, Aard now has a 25% likelihood of chilling adversaries. When chilled, enemies perish instantly upon impact with the ground. Those managing to dodge the freezing effect will still sustain significant damage.

On its own, Aard is incredibly potent, but when combined with abilities that amplify its power, it becomes one of the game’s deadliest forces.

1 Euphoria

Each Point Of Toxicity Increases Combat Damage By 0.75%

Best Mutations In The Witcher 3
Type Alchemy
Ability Points Required 3
Mutagens Required 3 Greater Green
Mutations That Must Be Unlocked Toxic Blood

It’s undeniable that Euphoria stands out as one of the strongest abilities in The Witcher 3. Consequently, it’s clear that this mutation is incredibly beneficial. Each point of toxicity boosts both the player’s sword and sign damage by approximately 0.75% with Euphoria.

At first glance, it may not seem impressive. But when combined with abilities like Metabolism Control and Acquired Tolerance that boost a player’s toxicity limit, and after consuming potent concoctions, the damage inflicted becomes substantial. Players can swiftly defeat even the most formidable opponents in the game.

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2024-09-04 05:55