Best Grenades In Space Marine 2

Best Grenades In Space Marine 2

As a seasoned Space Marine veteran with countless battles under my belt, I’ve had the pleasure of experimenting with various grenades across the vast expanse of the 40K Universe. From the Shock Grenade that left me wondering if it was more effective as a party trick than a weapon, to the Krak Grenade that made even the toughest foes quiver in fear, I’ve seen it all.

In the universe of Warhammer 40K, Space Marines are renowned for their combat prowess, and in Space Marine 2, gamers are provided with a variety of equipment to uphold this tradition. Each class offers unique primary, secondary, and melee weapons, catering to various gameplay strategies, yet one consistent feature is the availability of grenades.

In most game scenarios, all types of grenades can be collected and utilized across various classes. As you advance in missions within Operations and Campaign modes, you’ll frequently discover different kinds of grenades. Often, players are given the opportunity to choose which type of grenade they prefer to employ. Here are some top picks to watch out for.

4 Shock Grenade

Damage Over Time For A Wide Area.

  • Power – 3
  • Area – 5

Electrical shock devices, or Shock Grenades as they are called, emit an electric field that gradually harms a vast expanse. These grenades can be quite useful against hordes of gaunts and can eventually eliminate them given enough time. However, when compared to alternative methods, the damage inflicted is relatively modest.

In player-versus-player (PVP) scenarios, most players tend to avoid standing in the energy field to absorb maximum damage, as it’s beneficial for controlling zones, but not much else. Conversely, during defensive segments of cooperative play missions (PVE), strategically placing a Shock Grenade field where gaunts are clustering together and scaling walls can be useful, though other methods on the list may offer similar results with greater efficiency.

3 Krak Grenade

Very High Damage Over A Small Area, Also Sticks To Enemies.

  • Power – 7
  • Area – 2

The Krak Grenade ranks second in terms of damage among all grenades, just falling short to the Melta Bomb. What sets this grenade apart is its ability to adhere to an enemy, which makes it highly effective in Player versus Player scenarios and leaves adversaries in a predicament from which they can’t recover. In Operations, it serves as a valuable tool against powerful enemies, although it may not be as effective against large groups.

As a gamer, I’d warn fellow players: When employing this grenade, be mindful of smart enemies who might charge at you once they sense defeat is imminent. Despite its massive damage potential, it has the shortest range and performs best when used against single targets, rather than for widespread destruction.

2 Melta Bomb

Very High Damage And Area Of Effect With Remote Detonation.

  • Power – 8
  • Area – 8

The Melta Bomb is the largest and most effective grenade option a player can use in Space Marine 2. What further makes this grenade unique is that after it is thrown, it won’t detonate until the player does so manually. This gives it the added bonus of being a mine-like option that can be used to set up a defensive position and wait for the enemy to step right on it before detonating.

This situation can pose a risk if, having planted the bomb, you find yourself engaged in combat with approaching enemies or if you’re snatched by a ravener. In PVP, players often spot the conspicuous bomb on the ground and choose to avoid it, rendering the remote detonation ineffective. However, when timed correctly, the explosion will wipe out nearly everything within the bomb’s extensive range due to the intense heat it generates, instantly reducing them to ashes.

1 Frag Grenade

Decent Damage Over A Wide Area

  • Power – 5
  • Area – 4

A Space Marine typically carries the standard Frag Grenade, which may not boast the highest power or coverage compared to other options, but it provides a balanced choice. It can be particularly effective against large groups of less powerful enemies like gaunts or cultists. Often, these grenades will eliminate the nearest enemies upon detonation and weaken the rest, making them easier to eliminate.

The area and overall stagger from this grenade are also great for dealing with multiple Chaos Space Marines or Tyranid Warriors. While the damage may not be enough to finish them off, the stagger will give you the opportunity to take out one at a time safely. This grenade is a great option to throw at a pillar of gaunts trying to scale a wall, and will usually finish off all of them in the crowd. This grenade is also great to throw at a group of enemies led by a Tyranid Warrior, as it will clear out the gaunts and leave just the Warrior to be finished off alone.

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2024-09-07 23:53