7 Days To Die: How To Get A Solar Bank (And How They Work)

7 Days To Die: How To Get A Solar Bank (And How They Work)

As a seasoned survivor in the harsh world of 7 Days To Die, I can attest to the importance of harnessing the power of the sun to keep my base running smoothly. Solar banks are a godsend for those who want to go green and reduce their reliance on generators.

In the game ‘7 Days To Die’, generating power can simplify various aspects. You can employ generators or solar panels to energize an array of items, including lights and defense systems like turrets. Initially, it might appear complex to establish and operate powered devices; however, once you get the hang of it, it proves surprisingly straightforward.

Among the energy-producing gadgets available for players is the solar power pack. Just as its title implies, a solar power pack is a convenient tool that harnesses sunlight’s energy to produce electricity. This tutorial will cover everything you need to know about acquiring solar power packs and how to operate them effectively.

How To Get A Solar Bank In 7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die: How To Get A Solar Bank (And How They Work)

Unfortunately, players don’t have the ability to construct solar banks themselves. Instead, they can acquire them through traders or by opening solar bank packages. These packages can be obtained as rewards for completing missions or discovered within high-end loot crates, which are typically found at the conclusion of challenging Points of Interest.

Purchasing one of these items from vendors can be pricey, so it’s important to accumulate your Duces beforehand. Additionally, it’s quite uncommon for traders to offer these items, especially at the beginning of the game. However, as your loot level increases, so does the likelihood of finding these devices being sold by a trader.

The progression level of your ‘loot’ will gradually grow as you continue to play the game, but by spending some points on the “Bold Explorer bonus”, you can accelerate this process.

The cost of a solar bank will vary, depending on a combination of perks, armor, and consumables. If you invest some points in better barter, and pop some Grandpa’s Awesome Sauce while wearing the preacher hat, then you can reduce the price by quite a bit.

How To Get Solar Cells In 7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die: How To Get A Solar Bank (And How They Work)

It’s actually more expensive to purchase individual solar cells compared to a complete solar panel system. Yet, these tiny units are essential for the functioning of the solar panel system. The efficiency of the power generation within the solar panel system increases with an improved quality and higher number of solar cells.

You can place up to
6 solar cells inside a solar bank

You acquire solar cells similar to how you obtain solar banks: through dealers and by purchasing a solar bank bundle. Just as with solar banks, solar cells are premium items that typically won’t be available until later in the game. During the early stages, it would be more practical to rely on generator banks, which can be crafted at a workbench once you’ve read a total of 25 Wiring 101 magazines.

How To Use A Solar Bank In 7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die: How To Get A Solar Bank (And How They Work)

With a solar bank and a minimum of one solar panel, you can initiate the production of solar energy at your location. For optimal usage, position it where it receives unobstructed sunshine, or simply, in an area with plenty of daylight.

These solar banks won’t work if they aren’t getting any sunlight.

As a sun-loving enthusiast, I must share that solar banks are designed to harness the energy of our radiant sun. However, they can only perform their magic during daylight hours. Come dusk, anything relying on solar power will cease functioning. To get around this, it’s wise to utilize a solar bank for items requiring power solely during the day or, alternatively, have a dependable backup generator ready to take over when the sun sets.

To attach a wire to a solar panel, you’ll need to use a tool called a Wiring Tool. You can obtain these by looting them, buying them from vendors, or receiving them as a mission reward. With this Wiring Tool in your possession, you’ll be able to connect cables and visualize the electrical current flowing through all the connected objects. When you put away the Wiring Tool, any connected wires will become hidden. However, all power devices that are connected will continue to function; you just won’t be able to see the wires anymore.

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2024-09-13 08:03