Easiest Final Bosses In The Final Fantasy Series

Easiest Final Bosses In The Final Fantasy Series

Key Takeaways

  • Final Fantasy final bosses can range from challenging to surprisingly easy, depending on player skill.
  • Utilizing party organization, elemental weaknesses, and specific tactics can make defeating certain bosses pretty straightforward.
  • Mastering game mechanics like Paradigm Shifts and exploiting enemy weaknesses can lead to quicker boss battles.

As a seasoned gamer who’s battled countless bosses across various realms and dimensions, I can confidently say that some of these Final Fantasy antagonists have left me scratching my head more than they’ve made me sweat. And when it comes to the trio we’re discussing today, I must admit, I’ve never felt so powerful against such seemingly formidable opponents.

One key aspect that sets the Final Fantasy franchise apart is its abundance of ultimate enemies, or final bosses. Although the series is renowned for its stunningly crafted worlds and intricately developed characters, it also garnered fame for showcasing iconic climactic battles in video games. These epic clashes frequently demand players to employ advanced party management skills and strategic attack planning, often testing their limits.

On some occasions, the final adversary might not prove as tough an opponent as anticipated, leaving players taken aback when, after countless hours spent grinding and a storyline hinting at an apocalyptic showdown, the climax turns out to be surprisingly brief.

It’s important to keep in mind that the term “easy” here refers to a level of difficulty relative to the player’s ability or skill level.

9 Zeromus (Final Fantasy 4)

Final Fantasy 4’s Abomination Isn’t Quite So Abominable

  • HP: 65,000

Zeromus, who is found at the bottom of the list, is actually the hardest to defeat. However, he possesses a reasonable amount of HP, and if you organize your party effectively, defeating him can be a relatively simple process. In “Final Fantasy 4”, he makes his appearance as the ultimate manifestation of Zemus, the Lunarian with destructive intentions for the world. His demise in the game triggers his final form, which embodies pure malice.

As a devoted fan, I’d say this character boasts an array of potent assaults, but he’s got some critical vulnerabilities too. Despite his sturdy defense, he’s particularly susceptible to Holy spells. Focusing on offensive magic that exploits this weakness would undoubtedly be a foolproof strategy, enabling players to vanquish him more swiftly than it takes to travel on a chocobo.

8 Vayne Novus (Final Fantasy 12)

This Smarmy Tyrant Is Actually A Pushover

  • HP: 76, 755

In the realm of Final Fantasy 12, I’ve come across Vayne Solidor, the ruthless ruler of Arcadia. This guy is all about power and control in Ivalice, making life miserable for many. As we near the epic final battle, he’s holed up in his airborne citadel. When we finally clash, he falls, but not for long. Seems like he had a secret stash of nethicite, some kind of super-tech, which resurrects him as The Undying – a formidable force to be reckoned with once more.

This character might give you a headache, indeed, but remember there are more challenging bosses in “Final Fantasy 12.” Although he’s able to withstand various assaults, he lacks the resilience against a powerful summon. If you set up the Gambit system for regular healing, your party members will remain standing. In the final moments of the battle, skillful use of quickening chains can inflict heavy damage, potentially dealing the finishing blow swiftly.

7 Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)

The One-Winged Angel Is A One-Trick Pony

  • HP: 80,000 (Final Form)

Originally, Final Fantasy 7 served as a monumental JRPG experience for the PlayStation console and often marked the initial introduction to the iconic series for numerous gamers. Once they confront the long-haired antagonist during the climactic three-part battle, those who are less familiar with managing materia effectively within an optimal party strategy could find themselves consumed for hours attempting to defeat him. The sound of countless supernovas being released might fill the air as frustrated PlayStation users hurled their controllers in frustration.

If a player has played diligently throughout the game, the party will become unusually powerful, their materia becoming far stronger than necessary. At this point, it’s simply a matter of absorbing attacks while keeping a solid defense. When Safer-Sephiroth arrives, a few high-damage summons should finish him off quickly. In no time, he’ll be defeated.

6 Chaos (Final Fantasy)

The Grandaddy Of Final Fantasy Bosses Is Just A Big Baby

  • HP: 4,000

In the first installment of “Final Fantasy,” Garland served as the main adversary, causing trouble for the Warriors of Light. However, when he is vanquished by them in combat, he must swallow his pride and accept defeat. The plot thickens when he’s time-traveled back to become Chaos, a being who ensnares the world in an endless cycle of death that only the heroes can escape.

In a nutshell, Chaos may look formidable, but upon closer inspection, his strength isn’t as substantial as it seems. Non-elemental magic can easily penetrate him, and with the Protect spell active, our party is essentially invincible against his attacks. With the right strategy in place, we can defeat him quickly, usually within five minutes or less.

5 Orphan (Final Fantasy 13)

The Wailing Beast Is All Talk And A Lot Less Walk

  • HP: 3,390,000 (Final Form)

In Final Fantasy 13, the sky-bound metropolis known as Cocoon is plunged into crisis when the fal’Cie summons Orphan, an embodiment of its will to destroy the world and trigger a final cataclysm, dubbed the Maker’s arrival. This colossal specter has two challenging forms and, initially, may appear intimidating due to its powerful assaults, giving off a bullying vibe.

In much the same way as many games from the Final Fantasy series, success often hinges on forming alliances with its systems. The unique Paradigm combat system, which is introduced right at the start of the game, plays a crucial role in enabling Orphan to be defeated. Mastering the Paradigm system allows for a comfortable rotation of attacks and healing, keeping the battle rhythm flowing smoothly. Consistently adhering to this rhythm will bring about a swift resolution to the fight.

4 Exdeath (Final Fantasy 5)

The Mighty Warlock Turns Out To Be Less Mighty

  • HP: 55,000

In the game “Final Fantasy 5”, Exdeath serves as a formidable warlord who’s grown tired of the current world order and desires to annihilate it entirely. His ultimate goal is to thrust all life forms into The Void, a place where nothingness prevails and consumes everything. Interestingly, Exdeath began as a tree that had merged with malevolent spirits, adding layers of complexity to his character.

His final form is the fearsome Neo Exdeath, but he joins other Final Fantasy bosses who possess a fierce look and then fail to provide an equally fierce challenge. The player should have a reasonable grasp of the job system and can use it to their advantage at this point in the game. He is also hopeless in the face of non-elemental magic.

3 The Cloud Of Darkness (Final Fantasy 3)

Don’t Let Her Cloud Your Judgment

  • HP: 65,000

At the moment when the party believes they’ve triumphed in Final Fantasy 3, by defeating Xande, an even greater adversary emerges to complicate matters further – a malevolent emissary of The Void, intent on annihilating all existence. Known as The Cloud of Darkness, this cosmic calamity is not only a harbinger of doom but also possesses the peculiar resistance against elemental spells.

Attacks that aren’t based on elements, like Bahamut’s megaflare, will significantly reduce her health. Characters with powerful melee attacks should move up front to deal the most damage effectively. And, even her feared particle beam becomes less threatening when the Curaja healing spell is used extensively.

2 Ultimecia (Final Fantasy 8)

Final Fantasy 8’s Sorceress Dishes It Out But Can’t Take It

  • HP: 350,000 (Final Form)

In a nutshell, the character from Final Fantasy 8 named Ultimecia aspired to compress all moments in time and space into one, thereby gaining absolute control over every existence. This extraordinary act would require immense power, and Ultimecia orchestrates events throughout time to bring the past, present, and future together, ultimately aiming for an eternal reign of cosmic dominance.

Despite her formidable sorceress skills, Ultimecia struggles against magical and otherworldly powers wielded by the party in Final Fantasy. Given the central role of magic in combat within this series, her ineffectiveness against it makes her one of the least challenging final bosses in Final Fantasy. Aura magic, frequently employed, will effortlessly trigger limit breaks, which can then be repeatedly used to defeat her. Additionally, she is unable to disrupt healing spells and the presence of Guardian Forces serves as the final blow that ensures her demise.

1 Necron (Final Fantasy 9)

Death Incarnate/Anticlimax Embodied

  • HP: 54,100

In the Final Fantasy 9 adventure, Necron makes an appearance not long after our brave protagonists defeat Kuja, the game’s main adversary. This latecomer villain is a shocking revelation, exuding an intimidating presence since he symbolizes emptiness and death personified. What makes him even more formidable is his objective: to erase all life and existence back to nothingness through a cataclysmic cosmic destruction.

Even though I’ve been dreaming big about taking down this boss, Necron, truth be told, he’s no match for the challenges Ozma posed earlier in the game. Ozma was a real headache that tested our party’s limits to the max! When it comes to Necron, though, he seems more like a walk in the park compared to him. Just as we were hitting our stride, Necron appeared on the scene when our powers peaked. A few strategic attacks and some timely healing should make quick work of him without breaking a sweat.

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2024-09-20 05:34