Factorio: All Keyboard Shortcuts

Factorio: All Keyboard Shortcuts

As someone who’s spent countless hours lost in the mesmerizing world of factory management and logistics, I can confidently say that mastering these shortcuts has been nothing short of a game-changer for me. The ability to swiftly navigate through the intricate web of production lines, trains, and factories without breaking a sweat is truly liberating.

In Factorio, maximizing efficiency is crucial for operating a large-scale, automated factory. As your factory expands, you’ll need to adjust to the increasing challenges such as mining more resources, expanding smelting facilities, and sometimes using trains to meet supply needs. Sooner or later, you will be tasked with transporting oil, managing assembly lines for automation, and fine-tuning the factory layout to simplify production and processing tasks.

In situations like these, keyboard shortcuts can prove incredibly handy, significantly enhancing your control over all aspects of your factory operation. Whether it’s managing inventory, constructing intricate rail networks, or collaborating with robotic systems in Factorio, utilizing these shortcuts allows you to work faster, smarter, and with a higher level of precision when dealing with thousands of entities.

If you’re playing the game on macOS, the CTRL key is replaced by the Command key.

Character Control & Basic Interaction Keyboard Shortcuts

Factorio: All Keyboard Shortcuts

In Factorio, you’ll heavily depend on your character for navigation and interaction within your factory. Four keys on the keyboard help you manage your character, along with several shortcuts that make interacting with game items smoother. As a new player, here are some essential shortcuts to familiarize yourself with:

Move CharacterWASDMoves character around the map.
RunShift+WASDMakes the character move faster.
Open Character ScreenEOpens the character’s personal inventory.
Open Object GUILift ClickOpens an entity’s interaction menu.
Confirm WindowEConfirms choice and closes GUI.
MineRight ClickManually mines resources.
BuildLeft ClickBuilds an entity on the ground.
Build GhostShift+Left ClickBuilds a transparent ghost instead of an actual entity for reference.
Super-Forced BuildCTRL+Shift+Left ClickIgnores overlapping warnings and builds a blueprint.
Clear CursorQClears the cursor of any selected item.
Pipette ToolQAssigns an item to the cursor.
RotateRRotates an entity clockwise before or after building.
Reverse RotateShift+RRotates an entity counterclockwise before or after building.
Flip HorizontalHFlips a blueprint or entity horizontally.
Flip VerticallyVFlips a blueprint or entity vertically.
Pick Up Items From The GroundFAllows you to pick up items from the ground or conveyor belts.
Drop ItemsZAllows you to drop any item from the inventory.
Toggle Alt ModeALTOverlays production UI over entities.
Zoom InMouse Wheel UpAllows you to zoom into the factory.
Zoom OutMouse Wheel DownAllows you to zoom out of the factory.
Use ItemRight ClickApplicable to special items like Repair Kit.
Queue CommandShift+Right ClickAllows you to queue entities for construction or deconstruction.
Toggle Chat/Console`Allows you to toggle the console and chat window.
Copy Entity SettingsShift+Right ClickCopies the entity, it’s orientation, and recipe.
Paste Entity SettingsShift+Left ClickPastes the entity, it’s orientation, and recipe.
Shoot EnemySpacebarShoots at an enemy.
Shoot SelectedShift+SpacebarTargets and shoots an enemy.
Next WeaponCSwitches to the next equipped weapon.

Crafting & Inventory Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Factorio: All Keyboard Shortcuts

When setting up a basic factory by linking various components, you’ll primarily create items manually during the early stages of the game. Learning useful shortcuts can significantly ease this tedious process, as they help in crafting recipes swiftly. To generate recipes, it is essential to collect the necessary materials, and efficiently managing your inventory becomes crucial along with that task. The following shortcuts will make recipe creation effortless and help you keep your inventory organized without complications:

Craft 1 ItemLeft ClickAllows you to craft only 1x of the selected recipe.
Craft 5 ItemsRight ClickAllows you to craft 5x of the selected recipe.
Craft AllShift+Left ClickCrafts the maximum possible number of items of a selected recipe.
Cancel Crafting 1 ItemLift ClickCancels an ongoing recipe crafting of 1 item.
Cancel Crafting 5 ItemsRight ClickCancels an ongoing recipe crafting of 5 items.
Cancel Crafting AllShift+Left ClickCancels an ongoing recipe crafting of all recipes.
Pick Up/Drop Item StackLeft ClickPick up an item from the ground or drop an item from the inventory.
Stack TransferShift+Left ClickTransfer a stack of items from one inventory to another.
Inventory TransferCTRL+Left ClickTransfers all items from one inventory to another.
Fast Entity TransferCTRL+Left ClickTransfer the selected item to an entity.
Cursor SplitRight ClickTransfers half of the selected items from the cursor to an entity.
Stack SplitShift+Right ClickTransfer half of the item stack from one inventory to another.
Inventory SplitCTRL+Right ClickTransfers half the selected stack of items from one inventory to another. Selecting an empty slot transfers half of all available item stacks.
Fast Inventory SplitCTRL+Right ClickTransfers half of the held stack into an inventory or entity.
Toggle FilterCTRL+Right ClickCreates or removes a filter from an inventory.
Open Item GUIRight ClickOpens an interaction panel for an item in the inventory.
Copy Inventory FilterShift+Right ClickCopies a filter from an inventory.
Paste Inventory FilterShift+Left ClickPastes a filter into another inventory.
Switch Quickbar Slots1-10Allows you to quickly switch between items placed in the quickbar slots.
Switch Additional Quickbar SlotsShift 1-10Allows you to quickly switch between items placed in the secondary quickbar slots.
Rotate Active QuickbarXSwitches between available active quickbars.

Tools & Panels Keyboard Shortcuts

Factorio: All Keyboard Shortcuts

In Factorio, tools offer more precise control over your factory entities, allowing you to design blueprints, manipulate clipboards, and set up circuits. These features help you attain fine-tuned control over manufacturing and inventory management. As your factory incorporates advanced technologies, you’ll also encounter specialized panels to enhance automation and increase production efficiency. Here are all the shortcuts for accessing tools and panels within Factorio:

CopyCTRL+CAllows you to copy a selection from your factory.
PasteCTRL+VPastes the copied selection onto an available area.
CutCTRL+XCuts a selection from your factory, and marks the affected entities with a deconstruction mark.
Cycle ClipboardShift+Mouse Wheel Up/Shift+Mouse Wheel DownAllows you to cycle through clipboard history.
UndoCTRL+ZAllows you to revert a change.
RedoShift+CTRL+ZAllows you to redo an undo command.
Artillery Targeting RemoteALT+TAllows you to manually control the artillery.
Make New BlueprintALT+BConverts a selected copy of entities into a blueprint.
Copper Wire Connection ModeALT+CAllows you to connect one entity to another via circuits for finer control. Connects entities to a circuit chain separate from red and green circuits.
Create A New Deconstruction PlannerALT+DMarks the selection of entities for deconstruction.
Discharge Defense RemoteALT+YAllows you to release an electric shock from the armor to damage any nearby enemies.
Green Wire Connection ModeALT+GAllows you to connect one entity to another via circuits for finer control. Connects entities to a circuit chain separate from copper and red circuits.
Red Wire Connection ModeALT+RAllows you to connect one entity to another via circuits for finer control. Connects entities to a circuit chain separate from copper and green circuits.
Spidertron RemoteALT+AAllows you to control the Spidertron remotely.
Make New Upgrade PlannerALT+UMarks the selection of entities for an upgrade.
Toggle ExoskeletonALT+EToggles between equipping or unequipping the exoskeleton.
Toggle Personal Logistics RequestALT+LEnables or disables item drop off into personal inventory.
Toggle Personal RoboportALT+FEnables or disables the personal roboport.
Open Character LogisticsF1Allows you to zoom into the factory.
Zoom OutMouse Wheel DownAllows you to zoom out of the factory.
Use ItemRight ClickApplicable to special items like Repair Kit.
Queue CommandShift+Right ClickAllows you to queue entities for construction or deconstruction.
Toggle Chat/Console`Allows you to toggle the console and chat window.
Copy Entity SettingsShift+Right ClickCopies the entity, it’s orientation, and recipe.
Paste Entity SettingsShift+Left ClickPastes the entity, it’s orientation, and recipe.
Open Character Logistics/Info/Crafting PanelF1, F2, F3Opens a triple panel with the ability to manage character logistics, inventory, and craft items.
Toggle MenuEscPauses the game and opens the menu panel.
Toggle World MapTabOpens and closes the world map.
Toggle Technology ScreenTOpens and closes the technology and research panel.
Toggle Production StatisticsPOpens and closes the production and efficiency panel.
Toggle Logistics NetworkLZooms out the factory and shows logistics connections, including roboport range.
Toggle Blueprint LibraryBOpens and closes the blueprint library.
Toggle Train OverviewOOpens and closes the train panel that shows all trains and stations.
Open FactoriopediaALT+Left ClickClicking an entity with ALT+Left Click shows detailed and helpful info on its uses in the game.
Previous PanelALT+Left Arrow KeyCycles through previously opened panels.
Next PanelALT+Right Arrow KeyCycles through any available next panels.

As a passionate gamer, I want to clarify that this collection of handy keyboard shortcuts doesn’t encompass those specifically tailored for debugging purposes. These are primarily intended for developers and creative minds who delve into the intricacies of the game world to scrutinize its current state.

Blueprint Manager And Other Miscellaneous Shortcuts

Factorio: All Keyboard Shortcuts

In the later stages of playing Factorio, it’s common for players to heavily depend on blueprints to grow and optimize their factories. Blueprints serve as templates that can be duplicated, sparing users from doing all the manual work themselves. With these blueprints in place, robots handle the construction and upgrades. Furthermore, if you choose to use mods to enhance your gameplay, Factorio offers additional tools to simplify managing these mods.

PausePPauses the game.
Confirm MessageTabConfirms an onscreen message.
Select Previous TechnologyBackspaceSwitches to a previous technology within the technology panel.
Select Previous ModBackspaceSwitches to a previous mod within the mods panel.
Connect TrainJConnect a selected train or character-controlled train to adjacent trains.
Disconnect TrainKDisconnect a selected train or character-controlled train from adjacent trains.
Next Player In ReplayF10Switches to the next player in the replay screen.
Move Blueprint Absolute Grid Up, Down, Left, RightCTRL+UP Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right ArrowAdjusts the blueprint’s alignment to the game’s absolute grid.
Move Blueprint Entities Up, Down, Left, RightShift+UP Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right ArrowAdjusts the entities within a blueprint.
Next VariationMiddle-ClickCycles the next variation of a selected entity in the map editor.
Previous VariationShift+Middle ClickCycles to the previous variation of a selected entity in the map editor.
Clone ItemShift+Middle ClickClones an item or entity in the map editor.
Delete ItemShift+Middle ClickDeletes an item or entity in the map editor.
Toggle Entity PausesNumpad 0Pauses or unpauses an entity in the map editor.
Tick OnceNumpad .Performs one game tick and pauses the game in the map editor.
Increase Game SpeedShift+Numpad +Speeds up the game in the map editor.
Decrease Game SpeedShift+Numpad –Slows down the game in the map editor.
Reset Game Speed to 1Shift+Numpad *Resets the game speed to default speed in the map editor.
Set Clone Brush SourceShift+Right ClickAssigns an entity or recipe to the clone brush in map editor.
Set Clone Brush DestinationShift+Left ClickPastes the entity or recipe set to the clone brush in map editor.
Switch to SurfaceLeft CTRL/Left CTRL+3Switches to different surfaces, useful when building elevated trains.

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2024-11-16 17:07