Ant King Emerges: The Terrifying New Threat in Solo Leveling Season 2!

This discussion involves spoilers for Solo Leveling Season 2 – Arise from the Shadow – Episode 10 titled “We Need a Hero,” which is accessible on Crunchyroll.

In this version, I’ve made the following changes:
– Replaced “The following” with “This discussion” to make it clearer that we are about to discuss something specific.
– Simplified the title by using quotation marks instead of the formal Episode number and title format.
– Mentioned the platform (Crunchyroll) where the episode can be found, making it easier for interested readers to access it.


  • The Jeju Island Raid Arc in ‘Solo Leveling’ is highly anticipated and takes some of the series’ strongest characters back to their biggest trauma.
  • The fourth Jeju Island Raid operation reveals a unique threat: the giant Ant King.
  • The Ant Queen’s decision to lay a single massive egg changes the species’ survival strategy.

Expressing it differently: The eagerly awaited Jeju Island Raid Arc in the story of Solo Leveling is not just highly anticipated; it’s something more. In the upcoming season 2 episode 10 of Solo Leveling -Arise from the Shadow-, the fourth operation on Jeju Island begins. Despite initial success, the advance team from the Hunters Guild sent to eliminate the Ant Queen uncovers a massive egg shell hidden within the nest, hinting at an unprecedented danger lurking within.

In the series, the unveiling of the Ant King, the elusive boss hidden on Jeju Island, is undeniably one of the most effective character introductions. It’s so masterful that it evokes an intense, chilling fear that seems to erupt from within when you meet his gaze. At this point, it’s safe to say, without a doubt, that many Hunters are likely to meet their end.

The Queen’s Gambit

One Giant Leap For Ant Kind

Nestled deep within the colossal ant colony on Jeju Island, the Ant Queen ponders the uncertain future. Food supplies are dwindling on the island, prompting her to invest more effort and resources into producing a generation of ants capable of escaping the island. However, mastering flight is a lengthy process for these insects. The Queen makes a significant choice: quality over quantity, a strategy that isn’t typically seen in insects. Those with even basic knowledge of biology and evolutionary trade-offs will appreciate this decision, as it often signifies complexity and the type of post-birth strategies employed by species. For instance, humans have a gestation period of approximately 36 weeks, during which time the body fully develops, but most growth and development of basic functions occur outside of the gestational period. This is often attributed to the complexity of the human brain, which also explains the initial vulnerability of newborns, who receive their ‘hardware’ first and then ‘download’ the necessary software later.

In return for larger brains that can perform numerous tasks, we as humans become dependent on others during our infancy to carry out basic functions. On the other hand, many other species have shorter pregnancy durations and offspring that are instinctively equipped to perform tasks like walking, which aids their survival in harsher, more unpredictable environments. The length and nature of gestation varies among species, falling into three main categories.

  • Viviparous (juvenile develops inside parent, live birth),
  • Oviparous (juvenile hatches from egg),
  • Ovoviviparous (juvenile hatches from egg inside parent, live birth)

The purpose of this digression is to emphasize that the Queen’s action was unusual because she altered her reproductive approach by producing a large single egg instead of numerous smaller ones. By doing so, she puts the entire species’ fate on one individual, rather than adopting the strategy commonly used by insects, fish, and many other animal groups, which is to produce many offspring to increase survival chances due to the high mortality rate during early life stages. As you are aware, eggs provide nutrients for the developing embryo, and naturally, a larger egg means a bigger animal, but the density of nutrients in the egg also affects how much growth can occur within it.

Due to scarcity of fresh game, they’ve started feeding upon one another. The resources here are insufficient for their sustenance. It’s time for us to depart from this island. I require descendants with greater strength. A progeny superior to the rest, capable of ruling our realm.

The Birth of a Tyrant

“The Light that Illuminates All”

In my perspective, just like in the intriguing world of RPGs and real ant colonies, diversity and roles are key. I’ve been captivated by the unique evolution story unfolding in Jeju, where a new generation of ants has emerged, led by the Ant King, who carries remnants of his ancestors, such as the distinctive red hue of his exoskeleton. This character, much like named or “Champion” monsters in RPGs, is the result of a natural selection process accelerated by human influence on their diet.

In the thrilling Season 2 -Arise from the Shadow- episode 10 of Solo Leveling, the Ant Queen witnesses the birth of her most remarkable creation – a colossal, humanoid red ant, whose initial red hue darkens to an ominous black as his body hardens. With a terrifying roar, he emerges, and the Ant Queen feels a profound sense of accomplishment at the sight of her species’ hope realized. The birth scene was skillfully animated, offering a compelling introduction to the arc’s antagonist. However, it’s the chilling scene following his decapitation of one of the Japanese S-Rank Hunters, where his bloodthirsty gaze is the last image we see before the end credits, that truly cements him as an impressive antagonist debut. While cliffhangers are often criticized for their manipulative nature, in this instance, it was executed masterfully, leaving no doubt about the Ant King’s ability to effortlessly defeat S-Rankers.

The narrative currently mirrors elements from the acclaimed manga “Hunter x Hunter”, notably in the strategic breeding of superior offspring by the Chimera Ant Queen and the Ant King’s role as a symbol of hope for the ants. This mathematical enhancement, achieved through the integration of human diet, results in progeny that are smarter than their predecessors, much like Meruem in “Hunter x Hunter”.

In both stories, the Ant King represents hope for the ant colony, and the Queen’s most significant achievement. In the upcoming season 2 episode 11 of “Solo Leveling – Arise from the Shadow”, we might witness a parallel to “Hunter x Hunter” as the Ant King is expected to be absent when the Queen meets her end, similar to Meruem.

In the manhwa, upon discovering the Ant King’s egg, Byung-Gu expresses surprise, asking, “What on earth came out of that thing? A Royal Guard?” This mirrors the surprise and awe felt by characters in “Hunter x Hunter” when they first encounter Meruem.

Lastly, a more subtle yet direct nod to “Hunter x Hunter” is the brilliant light that radiated from the Ant King upon hatching and his subsequent roar. This burst of light references the naming of Meruem, which means “the light that illuminates all”, given by the Chimera Ant Queen as a testament to her pride in her exceptional son, whom she believed would stand at the pinnacle of all species.

Maybe that’s why he looked like Cell.

Check out Season 2 of “Solo Leveling” titled “Emergence from the Shadows” on Crunchyroll! Fresh episodes drop every Saturday.

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2025-03-13 16:59