Pro-XRP Lawyer John Deaton Backs Coinbase In SEC Case With Amicus Brief

As a researcher with a background in law and experience in the crypto space, I strongly support John Deaton’s stance in this case. His decision to file an amicus brief in support of Coinbase’s interlocutory appeal is commendable, especially since he is representing the interests of over 4,700 affected customers.

As a researcher studying the latest developments in the cryptocurrency industry, I’m sharing an update on a significant filing made by John Deaton, a prominent lawyer and advocate for XRP and other digital assets. In early February, Deaton submitted an amicus brief to the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, supporting Coinbase’s motion to certify an interlocutory appeal in their ongoing case with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

John Deaton Stands As Amicus Curiae For Coinbase Customers

As a crypto investor, I’m closely following the developments in the legal battle between Coinbase and the SEC. On April 12, I learned that Coinbase filed a motion asking for permission to appeal the case interlocutorily. The crux of their argument is centered around the definition of an investment contract. Specifically, they’re questioning whether such a contract can be created solely through transactions without any post-sale obligations. Essentially, they want the court to provide clarity on this matter.

According to Coinbase, this matter is considered a “pivotal legal issue” due to the contrasting viewpoints between the exchange and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Additionally, the defendants hold that the definition of an investment contract could potentially shape the outcome of their ongoing dispute with the SEC.

John Deaton, a well-known advocate for cryptocurrency, has recently filed an amicus brief in support of Coinbase’s appeal request. Deaton, who is also campaigning for a seat in the US Senate against Senator Elizabeth Warren, stated that this latest petition represents the interests of approximately 4,701 Coinbase customers.

A well-known attorney advocating for Ripple strongly argues that Coinbase users and investors, potentially impacted by any decision in this legal matter, should have the opportunity to voice their perspectives in the case.

John Deaton said:

End users of the technology should have a significant voice in the discourse, preventing bias and political agendas from dominating the conversation. However, they don’t desire for Coinbase or any other entity to take on their advocacy role.

As a crypto investor, I understand that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has vast resources at its disposal, funded by taxpayers’ money. Meanwhile, Coinbase is a multibillion-dollar corporation with access to top-tier legal representation. However, it’s essential to remember that consumers, including us investors, also deserve a strong voice and an advocate in this dynamic environment. We should not be left unheard in the ongoing regulatory discussions shaping the crypto industry.

SEC Regulatory Approach Is Inconsistent, Deaton Says

As a researcher examining the amicus brief filed by John Deaton in SEC v. Coinbase, I’ve noticed his strong criticism towards the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regarding their inconsistency in enforcement actions within the crypto space. He specifically challenges the SEC’s stance that only cryptocurrency tokens with a developed ecosystem should be classified as securities.

He said: 

It’s important to recognize that Bitcoin stands out among cryptocurrencies, but dismissing the idea that it isn’t considered a security solely due to lacking an ecosystem, is a simplistic viewpoint.

The US Senate hopeful emphasized once more the importance of establishing definite guidelines for the American cryptocurrency sector. He expressed concern over the present adversarial and unpredictable stance of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which he believes hinders the advancement of this emerging field.

Pro-XRP Lawyer John Deaton Backs Coinbase In SEC Case With Amicus BriefCrypto total market cap valued at $2.265 trillion on the daily chart | Source: TOTAL chart on

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2024-04-27 10:26